
That is some SIGNIFICANT camber on that beast!!

That's at Oregon State.

When trains don't work in Switzerland, the world is coming to and end.

Reuben, David, holy shit was this was fantastic. Bristolmetrics was always fun but seeing the full year worth of data is fascinating.

Stu: [ knocks on door ]

Best comment in the thread.

Sounds like the two of you had quite the run-on.

Comma count: 14. Period count: 0.

Oh, my God... I need more context. I'm dying to know if this moron just nearly killed himself for no reason other than that the car was lingering in the left lane.

Ack!! I had a friend who was a total Health Nazi that I just recently had to defriend on FB cause I couldn't take it anymore! One time, my best friend was super sick and posted a picture of the mac & cheese that she was finally able to eat after a few days of having nothing but broth. This Health Nazi friend

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Some years back, a bloke here in Norway had a BMW 5 series (an E39 if I'm not mistaken) with an engine from a retired NASCAR car (that's quite an awkward sentence.. right?) if me memory serves me right... It was glorious :)

Away from closed circuit ovals and road courses, a Nascar can absolutely slay its tires. The fuel-injected V8 is just brutal in such close quarters, too. Someone please give one of these things to the Formula D guys and see what they can do with it.

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Trying to rescue their own bike gets amazingly hilarious.

Every time I see something like this, I am always reminded of a specific comic...