Sadly, 'Murica. (Shhhh, don't tell them it's not a planet).
Sadly, 'Murica. (Shhhh, don't tell them it's not a planet).
Actually, it does. They never made money directly on these, and the economy of scale was such that to reach the actual numbers where they did more than break even on these would have been unreasonable. But they still made some, and some is more than none. =)
Hi Matt,
The 959 was essentially a production run of a bunch of prototypical technical approaches (a production test bed, really).
Testing for commenting behavior. Please ignore. (I am not followed here, and expect to be pending).
I am with you there. I lived near a downtown area in a midsized city growing up, and from age 7 or 8 I roamed freely. When I was on vacation in CA or MD with my cousins, I would roam forests or hills or national parks unsupervised.
Looking forward to how this works out given the opportunity to revisit an old system that, while not perfect, was much beloved.
Part of being a latchkey kid is the ability to get yourself from point A to point B. If a park happens to be part of that process (or a library, or a store), does it matter if they are unsupervised for a period of time while in public? Do you really believe that all children should be supervised at all times?
This entire situation worries me. I was a latchkey kid, my son who is now 15 has been a latchkey kid since he was 8, and I trust him and my neighbors (and fellow humans) to at least assume that a child who is occupied, not freaking out, is fed, hydrated, has a means to communicate and is, for all purposes safe, can't…
My guess is if that made sense to you, and you had that reaction, we'd probably get along just fine IRL. =)
When my son was an infant I would sing whatever song was in my head, just softly and in a calm manner. He had colic, and this probably kept both of us sane and alive. At the time I was just getting out of working in the Chicago industrial music scene, so I would sing all sorts of insane lyrics to him, but I always…
Awesome. Insert SNL highfive.gif here. Your team rocks. Seriously.
Will this be effective for all blogs (personal, community subblogs, etc)? I really think that this is the best method and appreciate your responsiveness.
Thank you. And as an aside, I emailed the helpdesk with the workaround. Hoping that is resolved as well.
Insert random hipster meme jpg here.
So... you bought it right?
It hurts less knowing others have experienced it as well?
I admired the crew and system which moderated Jezebel back in the day of having #trollpatrol and when these posts would disappear and the commenters never seen again. And I admire the job that the current crew does now with the tools and limitations that you have. You guys rock.