Kinect is cool, but the prob is functionality. It has a lot of potential and could very well take the race. But much like HD DVD's It's too soon right meow.
Kinect is cool, but the prob is functionality. It has a lot of potential and could very well take the race. But much like HD DVD's It's too soon right meow.
That's a pretty hip hat RZA. You better watch it, Kanye might throw a hissy fit a la lauer.
What the hell did this perv except?
Eh, half the world has already seen me naked. Whatev just catch terrorists with this shit already so everyone can stop whining like bitches.
ninja gaiden and battletoads. duh.
Wasn't there an article a few weeks ago on how we're running out of helium?
I think they just prestiged...
Must resist... urge to... puke.. over... awesomenesBUUUUURRRRGGGHHHHH
Better run to the store guys. A palm pre phone. Cause I totes think its better than an iphone4 or windows phone or the newer androids.... cough
BAH its nothing to worry about. It'll at least 15 years before China makes every american its slave.
Whats the big deal? If you really liked the Beatles, you'd already have their music.
The Beatles have been my iPod since I downloaded them using BitTor... since I legally bought all their albums, and then ripped them using iTunes, and legally ID tagging them and such... riiiiiiight.....
@Galvarez: How does this always happen? This is a tech blog and somehow it always goes back my dick. Dammit.
@Galvarez: That's mean you guys. My penis is awesome.
I swear to fucking God they leak a scan of me and I am suing the shit out of them. THE SHIT OUT OF THEM.
Shouldn't they follow people that buy it, and not just the author. Just saying...
apps too simple. add a link to 1800 flowers and we got ourselves a deal.
"My first tweet from Riker's! Lulz :(!!"
Really? I thought lack of good games, lack of new developers, and poor PC gamers were contributing to the dying pc market.
Are you saying my iPhone 4 is an Galaxy Tab? Cool, saved me 500 bucks! Thanks bad advertising!!