
It's not that I have anything to hide. It's that this is one more piece in the ground work for a future police state. I'm not that concerned with current proponents of privacy intrusion in the name of fighting terrorism (I believe guys like McCain truly want these tools to fight actual terrorists in the hopes of

The willfully ignorant have always been with us. They're just more noticeable now.

Did anyone else read this whole article in a whisper?

And his general rule of thumb, ahem, generally follows for insurance as well. Only insure against expenses you can't afford in one lump.

It's WSJ. Just read that as "they're trying to make a better camera". All the stuff about panoramic shots is filler.

It's WSJ. Just read that as "they're trying to make a better camera". All the stuff about panoramic shots is filler.

I'm probably waltzing in to this comment section with a cool theory that was thought of a couple years ago, but isn't it pretty obvious at this point that Half-Life 3 is going to be a next-gen title with a new engine, probably released about a year after the next Xbox's release?


When you are speaking about a group in general (bosses) it's pretty easy to default to they. It works in the place of masculine here, I think.

My mother always taught me to finish any bottle of alcohol that I started, specifically vodka. Alcohol doesn't keep well, so ya gotta finish it off quick.

I can sit here and watch Sad Andy for loop after loop after loop... and then suddenly just burst out into new laughter. It comes in waves. Sometimes it's because I've noticed something new about it, other times seemingly for no reason at all. It's perfect.

"We've seeded the coaches according to their challenge success rate"

Sous-vide is the only officially accepted hipster cooking method, of course.

I can only agree with that as it relates to ease of use. It's basically the Nate Silver of cooking techniques. It's precise.

It depends on how deep you want the char to go. If you just want a thin layer, a torch is the right choice. If you want to go deeper, use a cast iron skillet so you can lower the temperature, reaching deeper into the meat without burning the outside.

The sister didn't and it's her likeness = clarabellum's point


Harbaugh. You should always get bonus points for the throw being apart of a larger gesture. That was his response to something stupid the ref just said.

All of those things can kill someone when they don't know how to operate it. The fact that you frame them as less dangerous than guns, doesn't prove anything.