
Anyone else think it's weird he suddenly needed medical attention after being denied asylum? I don't know why he'd be buying time now since it seems certain he's going back to Belize. Maybe he should attempt an escape from the hospital. George Bluth did it and they're basically the same person.

"Optimized" is subjective. Some people demand 60 fps and will go down to medium to accomplish that. Others are fine with 30fps and would prefer high at 30 fps to medium at 60. Some people are more willing to knock back the resolution so that they can keep textures up and maintain a good fps.

"I don't believe these were ranked."

I would say that the iPad Mini is important for all the wrong reasons.

I just got a Nexus 4 and am using T-Mobile for the first time (coming from Verizon) and just pulled down 17+ in Atlanta, Though up was only 1.7. The signal seems to penetrate buildings better as well.

I would be game if I could set a goal fps for different games. Try to maintain 40 fps in game X, 60 in game Y, etc.

You played Fallout 3 on PC and you didn't experience any bugs? Because, if you played it on Windows 7 with a multi-core processor, you almost certainly had to go into the code like I did just to get it to run.

I don't think there's a single pure android phone out there besides the Nexus line right now. The last I can remember is the original Droid. That phone sold a ton, btw so I don't think consumers are actively choosing skins so much as the Nexus line isn't highlighted in carrier stores.

Where did this "Eric Schmidt is cray cray" come from? It's funny, but he's always seemed to be thoughtfully boring, which is what I expect from his book.

The best thing that happened this year. Funny backwards and forwards.

That's great. Good for you to have that kind of relationship with your mom.

Currently 61.1% of Android users are still using 2.x. It's going to be interesting to see how many of those people stay with Android when they upgrade.

That is odd and thank you very much.

I apologize for not reading past... apparently the first part of the third sentence.


Of course, the classic. Both of these shots show Steve trying to pull off the smoldering look, but the 'stache helped in the first one.

I think we're being a bit too hard on Aston Kutcher. Everyone feel free to include Sexy Steve pictures on this thread.

You're right if we're talking Nexus 7 (right is settings left/middle is notifications), but on the N4, one finger pull down from anywhere gets you notifications, two for settings. I've owned both. I didn't realize the two-finger pull down thing until I watched one the The Verge's videos on it.

Why do we get hung up on game-to game dexterity differences when it's a different Link?
