
The puppet Liam Neeson is *very* convincing.

I think part of it was the fact he was starkly lit, rather than in a dark smokey swamp set. But, yeah, also they tried to make him look younger (which was stupid because when you’re 900 year old, what difference will 30 years make?) and ended up with something that looked like a green catchers-mitt with googly eyes

Now playing

It’s a puppet, with Frank Oz performing.

Nope. He was a puppet on the theatrical, VHS and DVD release. It was only replaced with a CG character for the 2011 Blu Ray release. He looked like this before:

The Yoda puppet in Phantom Menace was terrible. Badly designed and lit, and looked utterly unconvincing. It was absolutely the right decision replace it for the Blu Ray release. Puppets done well (ESB, ROTJ) are great, but like CG, it’s all about doing well.

In the game, Revan’s mask/loose fitting ankle-length robes made it so she/he could be any gender underneath. I’m guessing they’d so the same with a figure.

If you’re not a wheelchair user, you kinda don’t get to have an opinion of value on this one. Sorry.

“Didn’t science just have a study saying that 10 minutes of looking at huge breasts is equal to 30 minutes of cardio workout?”.

It’s a bit different, as almost every Zelda game has a different Link, each a different descendant of the Link in Skyward Sword. There’s no reason one of them couldn’t be female. Samus is a single character.

That’s gonna be, you know, a fascinating transition

From what I understand (ahem), the term originally referred to a sexual act that is completely consensual (and not technically “on someone’s head”).

It is not in any way presented that way.

ILM did around 30 of the creatures in Narnia. They also helped with WETA with LOTR. I’m assuming the specific shots used in the sizzle reel were theirs, even if the bulk of the films weren’t.

I was going to point out this article is plagiarized, but I couldn’t be arsed, so I just copy and pasted someone else’s post.

Appears to be the same species as Yarael Poof from Phantom Menace.

Kilmer below Clooney?

Many Bothans died for info about the second Death Star. They should be fine in this one. ;)

No Emperor means it's not an empire. Makes sense logically.

Makes sense.
Can't really go on calling it an Empire when there's no Emperor.

Ronald D Moore approves this reference.