
I’m not really sure the analogy fits. I don’t particularly like Nintendo’s stance on this, but “Lets’ Plays” aren’t reviews by any stretch. They’re still usually the full video and audio content of the game.

This is an interesting and compelling argument, but "Least Necessary sequel of All Time"?

I agree to an extent, but we have had five actors play Indy at this point already (two in the movies, three in the TV show - although one has (rightly) been removed from canon).

Having owned a 3DS, 3DS XL and having had the New 3DS for a few weeks (UK Ambassador), I'd say it was worth it for the improved 3D/head tracking alone. It's like night and day compared to the old system, and experiencing games I'd played before with the 3D now cranked all the way up (which was pretty much unusable

This is singularly the funniest film I saw in 2014. Fantastic stuff.

Fox never had the rights. Garfield is done, but Spider-Man stays with Sony. The new Spider-Man will become part of the MCU, appearing in Marvel Studios films like Civil War, and (as part of the same continuity) in Sony made stand-alone films (co-produced by Marvel's Kevin Feige).

Sony's July 2017 film is part of the MCU (albeit not made bu Marvels Studios). That's rather the point.

I honestly can't see the appeal as a fan of their games, nor for Nintendo in the long term. A short term bump at best, but the "I'll just wait a few years for it to be on my smartphone" mentality would kill their handheld market (especially the hardware) stone dead.

I thought Norton was much better, too. His Banner really seemed like a guys barely containing a rage monster. Ruffalo is fine, but way too amiable IMO.

Remember, he wasn't even middle aged in Empire

That was a (somewhat limits) theatrical release of the first couple of episodes of the TV cartoon series. Not really the same thing.

Lilly is nearly 36 - so, y'know - the wig only adds 4.5 years.

I live in Sherwood, near Nottingham in England.

Like him or no, at least PJ always announces the extended versions before the theatrical releases come out on BluRay. It's the ones that announce a longer/unedited cut after the initial release that puts sand in my undies.

I live in Sherwood, just outside Nottingham, England.

I think part of the issue with SM's decline in box office is that at its height, we weren't awash with critically acclaimed/quality superhero films. As of ASM and ASM2, Spidey is competing on a level playing field with a LOT of other well made comic book adaptions - something Raimi's version never really had to do. A

I have to say, of all the iterations (including XBox and Xbone), the original NXE interface was by far my favourite. More fun and customisable than the blades, but still fast and lag free.

I hadn't thought of that - will make the effort in future.

Excuse the typos above - I'm typing with my toddler on my lap.

I guess we don't consider it so because you'd be hard pressed to find anyone here who isn't a mix of a lot of nationalities/races from Europe and the former colonies within a couple of generations.