
Brummie - from Birmingham - an industrial city in the West Midlands - very distinct accent - think Ozzy Osbourne. This is in the black country and is considered a working class accent.

I'm saying English is not an ethnicity. And that we tend to find people who've never set foot here or had citizenship claiming to be "English" a touch twee and daft.

Haha... I've never heard brummie orcs - but a NEED to now. :D

I'm afraid I don't agree. It's the same as all those Americans who claim to 'Irish', despite never having been to Ireland - basically a punchline to a joke. English isn't an ethnicity - it's a nationality. I have many friends of Indian and Pakistani descent who were born and raised Nottingham - and so are English (and

Oh - I wasn't clear. He has English parents, has only British citizenship, and was brought up in England. He just wasn't born here, but he is English (and British).

I'd always taken the orcs and trolls to be more indicative of the rougher side of early C20th working class English - especially the stone trolls who spoke a broken down version of Westeron, which is cockney in the Hobbit, and had names like Tom and Bert.

You can indeed - my father was born in Portugal, but is a Londoner through and through. But the contention was that was he " the most English" with a German name, and a non UK place of birth. TBF, it was only meant as a whimsical observation.

He was also born in South Africa. :/

Eccleston didn't hide his accent - he used his own (Manchester) accent to play the 9th Doctor. You may be thinking of McGann, who hid his natural (Liverpool) accent to play the 8th.

Well, there's a few more sentences before and after that, about "catching them, and tossing them down into the darkness where they smashed among the trees far below, or splintered into little bits with a bang ... they could hear the giants guffawing and shouting all over the mountainsides", but otherwise - yup -

It's an interpretation of the scene were Bilbo sees "that across the valley the stone-giants were out, and were hurling rocks at one another for a game" (in Chapter 4).

I'm sure there are, although I'm not in the USA myself. We don't really have that sort of thing in the UK where I am.

I'm a little unclear what the fact that it was in Slovenia (which is an average European country with a primarily manufacturing economy) has to do with it. Most deer hunting in Slovenia is indeed for sport, and there is quite a tourist trade attached to it.

Revisionist in the way Caesar just was a family name until it wasn't?

We'd have to see a finished product for KotR2 to be able to judge that. Sadly, we never will.

With the great EU purge, I can't Disney letting anyone do it anymore.

Given that KOTOR 2 ended with the Exile going to find Revan, it was obviously the plan for the third (and final) chapter. I don't really see KOTOR 3 happening without the Revan plot-line. Then again, I don't see KOTOR 3 happening at all.

Remember US prices don't include tax. So that's £125 plus VAT (at 20%) - making it £150.

Right up until the trench run, ANH had pretty much the same situation. At least as far as the main protagonists are concerned.

"But Boba, part of the Stormtroopers original genetic template thanks to the prequels, is a noted accurate marksman. So maybe he was the shooter, rather than his bumbling cloned brothers?"