
And then Bruce Willis hops out and says “You’re not Kurt Russell, I know Kurt Russell, he is a dear friend and this is not Kurt Russell”. No thank you, I’m guessing James Gunn saw Ocean’s 12 and it burned into his head to never let a Julia Roberts Deadpool the audience.

I think if they had suddenly knocked all the lights out except the TV screens and then flickered them a little, then the girl crawls out of the one screen, people would have lost their minds.

Ice try, Blizzard.

For real! $20/ride is way cheaper than $98/mo!

Days are filled with endless pain, here in Duck Hell

This quote is the very highlight of this entire post. Let Marvel do what they do and make bank. Now if only Fox would follow suit.

You do realize that Injustice ends with the real Superman coming in and beating the crap out of Injustice’s Superman, right? So unlike Man of Steel, the game doesn't try to pretend that this is what Superman would really be like.

Yeah, but Doomfist when? The hype is real if it ends up being the kid from the first trailer.

Mei is Bae.

This is why we can’t have ice things.

Zemo’s family is killed. He takes it personally.

The other thing that kept the movie going where the comic failed is the ticking bomb: there’s always some plot device that one character knows about that another doesn’t that gives some sensibility to the idea that they literally don’t have the time to talk it out. And they were smart enough to realize each plot

+1. But you, sir, need to exercise discretion when you Wakanda wild side.

Would you say you T’chalk it up in the win column? I’ll let myself out.

Can we get this out of the way, Tormei isn’t too young to play Aunt May. She is 51. Let’s say her character is the same age. Now put Peter at 16. So, when Peter was born, she was 35. Which is a pretty common age to start being a parent. Of course, she was in her 40's when she got Peter.

So you’re telling me Mei is bae in May?

The scanner says that his shame levels are OVER 9,000!!!!!

No Martha and Pa Kent are the very core of what makes Superman who he is. They gave him good solid midwestern American values. Hard work, honesty, self sacrifice, love your fellow man, respect for other people’s property, the law is something you respect and honor, fighting and killing is not a solution to your