
And....just pulled my Amazon PS4 pre-order.

Ah yes. Even more blow-out-of-proportion-ism with just a dash of White Knight.

Tang Paradise Park. Xi’an, China. By Ronald Delgado.

Shutup idiot

It’s not dumb.

You are aware that a normal game in this stadium would be in the first inning right now, yes? You grasp the concept of time zones?

I would be ahgast at this if I thought it would make a difference, but mobile users have overwhelmingly made it clear with their wallets that shit like this is not only accepted, but welcomed, so much so that we now have stuff like this in our $60 ‘full’ release titles on consoles and with every year seems to becoming

No, you feel sorry for yourself not having the money to waste on bullshit like this xD

You do realise that you brought more attention to it by posting about it? Now I bet there are hundreds of people actively looking for these new photos that most of us had no idea about?

Lets say I hypothetically want to locate these new leaked pictures, for science. Where could I find them?

Show me your receipts. I don’t buy it.

(Psst. I think you missed the joke.)

He has a good point though. Your words were extremely vague and your reasoning for not buying a product seems extremely poor.

I became very interested in Pitcairn after watching this video a couple days ago (or yesterday, dunno?) and realized at one point that there is only this truth:

Coming soon: Anywhere in the USA if you come from a country primarily populated by brown people.

This is why it always pays off to explore “that one empty looking spot” on the map. No spot on the map feels like you wasted time going there.

Don’t worry, your Zelda download will take three years or so, so you’ll have plenty of time for work.

is 100%

When I got my PS4 on launch day, it had Killzone and Knack. The first is a generic and forgettable first person sci-fi military shooter. The latter is a horribly boring platformer. Until Infamous came out, it gathered a lot of dust and was a Netflix box for the better part of 6 months.

I would argue that the gimmick you refer to is a great unique selling point, not having the separation of progress from when you’re home and on the go.