
@Slimy: guys in college who are trying to provide some DIY cheap sound proofing so they can practice guitar in at 2am... or at least that was the case with me back then. it did provide enough of a muffle to keep my neighbor from complaining. why we want to sick robot monkeys on these people, that i can not answer.

got my free bumper in the mail last saturday. i'm currently using it as it looks better then the $5 clear plasic clip on case i had before. the one thing i really hate about it is how much it makes it look like the older iphone because of the rounded edges ... outide of the back being flat it just looks the exactly

now all that needs to happen is for muggers to see this image and then no matter how crappy your phone is, they'll be taking it.

one of my cubical walls is metal... this would be amazing for mounting it up to uses as a monitor or watching videos on.

@LoganR: so happy i didnt spend much with no refunds on 3rd party cases :)

@LoganR: got a clear snap on case from handhelditems on sale for less then $5 shipping... just waitting on the case market to grow a little for a really nice one to be sub-$50

Jobs will say your doing it wrong. And then Hammer will come out and do an instructional song.

my wife would kill me if i did one of the full color mario ones or something like it.... but the asteroids one i might just get away with

anyone else instantly think of birdo when they saw the image???

@!Skyline!: cant watch 3d movies when you got a gaudy eye patch...

because of the sensor i end up putting calls on speaker all the time. that or pressing the key pad numbers if they're up.

dont know where $250 coming from... after i played with it, i hit pricing and it came up to $285.

by far "Phone" is the one app i couldnt be without on my iPhone.... but nonstandard apps would be either "Free RSS" or "ScoreCenter"

@mindsale: if the bird has the light thing, go thru the pipe but b4 falling to the sewer, jump out of the pipe.... the light thing attracks the swinging fruit

Just about every fast place already has ability for you to listen to your music without disturbing others while you eat. it's your car.

no snow globes is nothing new... about 5 years ago my sister inlaw had me come back to meet her at TIA i dropped her off at just 20 minutes earlier. She was told she couldnt bring the one she bought at disney with her on the plane. it was about a year ago we got around to shipping it up to her.

would have to say i read regualr print faster then on my kindle... but i can speed read rather well on the kindle app on my iphone. with shorters lines, just like newspaper collumns, even non-practicing speedreaders (like myself) can increase their speed dramatically.