The real causes of mass shootings are depression, anger, feeling left out, no one reporting the warning signs, irresponsible gun owners, easy access to guns, poor security and the NRA that has politicians in their pockets.
The real causes of mass shootings are depression, anger, feeling left out, no one reporting the warning signs, irresponsible gun owners, easy access to guns, poor security and the NRA that has politicians in their pockets.
Blacked out lights.
As a firearms owner and recreational shooter, these are the very people that make me most uncomfortable. Their rhetoric and unjustifiable hatred and fear are in my opinion the greatest threat to the very right to keep and bear arms that they espouse.
As a seasoned mechanical design engineer and car enthusiast for 50 years, it’s quite clear to me that you’ve zero understanding of this topic.
..sometimes posting multiple “twat”s a day—69 in all.
“Bad form” is for cloyingly vapid simpletons. Wishing someone, particularly a bad and actively harmful person dead, merely wishing, not going out and murdering them, is fine. If Pai goes away, things instantly get better. Whether it’s the beginning or end of his suffering or not is irrelevant to the practical benefit…
Microtransactions have been a hot-button issue, angering players and genuinely undermining or flat-out ruining otherwise perfectly fine games, for some time now. Publishers know full well that we’ll put up with this rampant greed and blatant anti-consumer horseshit to a point, but when you combine literally every…
Rather than think about next years iPhones, I’d rather think about an iOS11 version that isn’t hot garbage. Tell Apple to get on that.
I reasonably convinced that at this point Trump could tweet out “Everyone who voted for me is a fucking moron” followed by “There is no god and religious people are retards” followed by “I’m going to ban owning guns and you can’t stop me” followed by “ha ha I’m fucking you all so hard and you still love me you…
tldr because it wouldn’t produce the amount of money over a long period of time like shark cards would
That concludes my interest in this video. lol
Where did this Trump rally take place?
good news, everyone! no one will be living on this planet soon.
Ok, goddamnit, guys...
If you’re going to have multiple articles one after the other in a big blog-style thing now, that’s fine...but you CANNOT have auto-play videos (or, in this case, an auto-playing twitch stream) mixed in.
Can-Fucking-Not. I clicked through to read the Elite article, not have the shit scared out of…
I love Dead Space 3 and it is honestly one of my favorite games of the series and probably fairly up there in my favorite games of all time.
Engine: a Honda engine.
the tweet isn’t just juvenile, it’s sexist and homophobic.
I'm no mathematician but if they run 5,000,000 miles at 12 miles per gallon, and if each rig is doing 450,000 miles per year at 12 miles per gallon, how does that equal 5.4 million gallons of gas per truck??
Explain to me again this whole "dealerships protect consumers" thing you were talking about.
As a RC racer I thank traxxas for all the advertising they do, but its a pretty drastic difference between a traxxas vehicle and an actual "race" RC car...