
I like how giz is attempting to take the high road claiming this was done in order to get apples attention. Please. They couldn't give two shits whether apple fixes this or not as long as they get their page clicks.

Bold team rules.

I honestly don't understand this sudden surge of "best of" and "top" lists from kotaku recently.

i guess you do end up eating the same meal every time when you have your head stuck up your ass

Tim rogers? apple? not touching this one.

It's a terrible ad for sure, but it seemed to hit close to home, eh sam?

too deep for me

The new kotaku: exploit the nontroversy for pageclicks while hiding under the guise of progressivism.

"Which is why the buzzword is so worthless. Ultrabooks aren't some ascendant species—they're just the way computers are starting to be now. Laptops of the near future won't be like laptops of the recent past. Like everything else with a screen and electricity running through it, the next notebook waves will get…

Giz seemed to have no problems peddling "retina display".

At least the TV-B-Gone thing was funny.

Yeah, it took me all of 10 seconds too scroll through all that "goodness".

Not sure why people are throwing a fuss. I think in this particular case it's perfectly reasonable to take her claims with a heap of salt. She discredited herself. Hell, she was first arrested for lying to law enforcement.

All the street names in Silent Hill are named after well-known science fiction/horror writers.

Any physician who has a preference for the bullshit known as homeopathy should not be highly regarded.

An HSN survey? As in, the Home Shopping Network? 2,000 people? Oh wow.

You're assuming. I can do the same.

A man is cheated on, loses his kids and he's the bad guy here? give me a break.