
"I didn’t look at him, couldn’t without bursting at the seams. Furious, I wanted to shout, "You make lots of noises about hating sexism, but you can’t fucking say anything to stop it when it’s right in front of you?!" Despairing, I wanted to weep, "How could you let him do that? Why didn’t you do anything to protect

This has been discussed to death already, so i'll just say it's amusing to see the woes of an owner of a ridiculously priced game design degree.

"Lots of recent research has downplayed the effect of exercise on weight loss."

I think I'm more disappointed in the fact that companies still try to shoehorn random celebrities into events to try and advertise their games, like that whole vita lady mess.


here we go again

"Listen to your fellow gamers, men and women alike, with empathy. Discuss with respect. You aren't ever entitled to discriminate against anybody for any reason. If you ever find yourself arguing that you are, instead of hearing out your peers, just get lost."

I find this amusing considering one of the main reasons you're even able to write this piece on kotaku is because you're a woman.

"When people say they're being hurt and ask you to hear them out, do it, Don't be a dick."

Perhaps you should address your fellow female peers who seem to thrive off and seek the gendered attention you so apparently despise.

Now playing

Nothing wrong with liking the show, but this shit has to stop.

This may be unrelated, but "gaymer" needs to stop being a thing.

Is this a contest?

I agree.

The extent to which the correlation of weight and health is downplayed here is starting to get a little irritating.

I wonder what the reaction would be here if the genders were reversed.

if it quacks like a duck...