
It's how my dad wound up with six siblings back-to-back-to-back. Whoopsie.

Oh no, they both suck. It's perfectly acceptable to hate them both. Encouraged, even.

You scoff, but that kind of shit works on my mother in law. All it took was some folksiness and a bump-it to convince her that she and Sarah Palin had a lot in common.

For you to assert that c-section moms don't get oxytocin is, in fact, ridiculous. Oxytocin is heavily involved in breastfeeding as well. Thanks for the super condescending breastfeeding 101 refresher, though.

THANK YOU. So, so sick of "natural" childbirth being held up as some sort of ideal that if you don't achieve, you don't really give a shit about your baby. I prefer "unmedicated." Much more accurate, much less judgy sounding. I have plenty of friends who had unmedicated births. That worked for them.

"So if you go in for a c-section, you won't get the benefit of the window after birth where you can chemically bond. C-section mothers are kept apart from their child until they are sewn up and in the recovery room."

I hated the Nuvaring after a few months—it gave me the same terrible migraines the Pill did. I'm a little over 37 weeks pregnant right now. As soon as I have an outside baby I'm going to get another Mirena inserted.

Somewhat related, I can't stand animals that talk. Not like "Oh Don Piano," that cat is great. I mean puppies and kitties and whatnot with CG mouths that talk like people. Creepy.

I have a FB friend who did the hypnobabies program (she also had her baby at home in a pool) and swears up and down it made birth a painless experience. She was/is so heavily invested in that scene that I'm sure she's talked herself into the idea that she didn't have pain so...I guess she didn't? It worked for her so

That was all man beneath that open button up shirt. So I guess the undershirt is OEM, then.

Kind of gives "keep fuckin' that chicken" a whole new meaning.

I have a little one on the way—due May 20. I've gotten that advice on diapers a lot too. In fact, my sister's words to me were "Pampers or GTFO." Once my husband found out about the wetness indicator on the Swaddlers, we were sold.

That is a prime example of "you get the face you deserve" if I've ever seen it. Yikes.

YES! Band geeks represent! I love that movie even though my college marching band experience was exactly nothing like that.

Because TITS!

Replying to promote, because I'd chip in. My cats are getting some extra snorgles and canned food this week, and my local Humane Society is going to get a bit of extra cash too.

My freaking IN-LAWS didn't know I had the option to keep my name. They are not that old, either. We got married in August 2002, and later on that year (before Thanksgiving) my husband was visiting with his folks about Thanksgiving plans. His mom asked him "how is Juliekins adjusting to her new last name?" He said

Oh totally! Last winter, my niece dragged home some stomach bug that made her pretty sick but she recovered fine. Said stomach bug put my sister in the ER because she couldn't stop going at both ends and was becoming dangerously dehydrated. I just got a few nasty colds out of babysitting her, thankfully.

Every time my niece did that (she seems to be past it, thankfully) I wound up with one version or another of what I can only describe as Daycare Ebola. I hope President Obama has a few days off to lay around on the couch watching Star Trek reruns and pounding Sprite.