
That is basically what they have on mobile browsers. I think we will see that sometime soon.

I can say that having an i7 3770 with 16gb of ram, this is absolutely not true. Lol. I have many addons and nothing slows down. I think you are lying here....

I have to say that it is funny. I am using a chromebook with 4gb of ram and can open hundreds of tabs, with little slowdown. It is only when something like 10 or 15 youtube videos are opened in the background. Even so, I can’t wait for an update that decreases the ram usage so that I could have more for crouton

Personally, I have only had this happen around half of the time. You have a better chance contacting the author from the get-go and asking to use their research and getting a copy from them.

I can say from personal experience and having to write formal literature reviews in high school, if it is not on things like pubmed, it is nearly impossible to get. There were so many times that I found the article I was looking for, only to be paywalled and they wanted something like 30 dollars an article. This is

Is this a southern thing or something? Never have seen that

Here in ne Ohio, I have seen multiple waterless urinals. Never really experienced any of the problems. It just kind of works

It almost makes me a psychopathic maniac not being able to know things like this. Seriously, I must be able to figure out what is going to be there in 2113. I will go crazy if I don’t, and that is also part of the reason why I can never participate in these things. Also, for some reason I always envisioned the eiffel

“Probably costs less than your lunch”: Haha, I had ramen for lunch. “35 cents a pack, three for a dollar, unbelieveable pricing, that’s the future of a blue collar worker”

“Probably costs less than your lunch”: Haha, I had ramen for lunch. “35 cents a pack, three for a dollar,

I see this all over the comments, but I don’t think people understand. At Hibachi places in the US, they traditionally do a mini show to make up for the 28 dollar prices on an average meal. If someone paid that much for a meal that was mediocre at best, and there was no show at least like every other place, they would

Or you act like every intelligent American and eat what you want and take the rest home. I would much rather have that than being hungry after paying 12 dollars for a meal.

Mi escuela danos chromebooks este año, y ahora ellos ha bloqueado todos sitios web, incluyendo gizmodo en inglés. Así ahora yo estoy leyendo gizmodo en español. No en el tema, pero es muy cómico. (Solo estoy en español cinco, así no me dispare). Qué Pasa?

It only took me like an hour to figure this out. This device could theoretically produce thrust, but the way it would achieve this would be through magnetic fields, which being on Earth, there are a lot of. In order to get a proper test, this needs to be done far away from strong magnetic fields like the earth, and

Not entirely, if I understand what they are saying, basically it creates somekind of magnetic field behind the spacecraft that is opposing the field of the spacecraft, and in turn propels the spacecraft using the two opponent forces to accelerate the spacecraft.

I get the excitedness for this because it means turning away from the standard chemicals used ni rocket fuel, but what about the electricity. Much of the solar energy past the first few planets diminishes to very small amounts. So much so that it may not be enough to power the ship. On another topic, could someone

EDIT: derp, I was reading and then got to the end of the article and was all, wow, I literally just typed that in a comment. I got a little to antsy there on responding.

For being NASA, I see one problem with their whole test scenario here. Bombarding a smaller brain with high amounts of radiation and ions in brief period of time =/= bombarding a larger brain with smaller amounts of ions and radiation over a long period of time. The body is able to remove radiation through time, and

My anger was real when I realized that I did everything the proper way, until the end, in which I realized that I had used radius instead of circumference, and thus came out with 101.244 cm instead of the 20cm. I forgot that the American math competition tests don’t allow you to use a calculator. High School Senior

Now while I love the idea, I must say that I can’t see how this could be good for the watch or your body. Spray paint is not made for direct skin contact, and thus it may react with your skin and cause many issues in the long term. Secondly, I can’t imagine that the (stupid) watch wheel is going to like having spray

You do realize that Obama has really failed at his current objectives, and thus the country will most likely switch to the GOP this next election. I just wish we could get some more Ron Paul in this country