Ironically, the one on the right really was the bad guy all along.
Ironically, the one on the right really was the bad guy all along.
Note to the guards: Suicide watch does not mean, “watch someone commit suicide.”
I’m so angry I’m boycotting all gyms and I refuse to participate in any workouts anywhere at anytime! Good day!
I have to say, though, the one thing we can at least depend on the president for is his consistency. In every situation, at every opportunity, in any scenario, he will always say or do the dumbest, most hateful, short-sighted, stupid thing possible.
John McCain is looking up at this and just shaking his head.
I left it unfinished because I hated the weapon breaking mechanic.
We lost Dark Matter for this??
“I’ve been banned from twitter for voicing my conservative policies!”
He thinks spending money will stimulate the economy, just like those damn commie hippies in the 1950s! Every good American knows the strongest economy is a result of the richest people hoarding all the wealth like actual dragons.
Couldn’t be me.
To be honest, I don’t have strong feelings about this either way. So here’s a dog balancing on a chain.
Citation needed
Ohio's are pretty messed up too. I was running for representative, and when i went to file my paperwork, i was told i had to file at the BOE in another county. I live in a reasonably populous area.
The best episode is by far The Crackers Don’t Matter.
I bet he accidentally time traveled.