‘I will fuck you up’ is more of a suffix modifier to all those phrases...
‘I will fuck you up’ is more of a suffix modifier to all those phrases...
So I’ve seen the second half of it and it doesn’t disappoint. That mutiny was fear for her crew(succumbing to her human emotions) plus try to follow Vulcan logic and tactics on a Starfleet vessel(Which won’t work) Michael is such a broken character held together by Vulcan scotch tape.
I don’t know about other black people, but I have an intense aversion to animals that can eat me. Call me a bitch, idgaf, there are fucking mountain lions and bears and shit in national parks.
This made me roll my eyes so hard and for so long I’m going to contact my doctor.
I just figured they did a PoCSwap© with Jonah to Daniel Wu’s character.
So~~~ no Butt Sex scene for people to get butt hurt over?
Pfft. They weren’t in since November 7th.
I got racist bingo in one town I was waiting on a corner for a white friend of mine in just 15min.
Nothing but truth here...
You are absolutely wrong... Nothing polite about the racist in the Akron/Canton area.
Gonna definitely be cancelled cause of that...
It was like maybe four times in seven seasons. Out of like 170+ episodes it’s not really that much.
How can we punish a young man full of law and order. That homeless man smelled weed before and the other man had called off from work before.
To my knowledge wypipo have never won anything decisive wars on their own or against any other race on a even playing field.
Always relevant.
Whoo boy! Ain’t that the British ‘If we lost to the Nazi’ poster.