You saying this was not epic?
You saying this was not epic?
Bravo to her. She is bigger hustler and cheater than anyone in recent years and she has people eating her dirt, literally! I honestly respect her guts to pull this crap on people and actually supporting her. Bravo to her!
Good for him, the ban was idiotic and the people pouring gas on the flames was more retarded, im looking at you KOTAKU
shitty game is shitty game no matter how much you butter it. you cant like every game there is just because someone tells you have to
I do love Warframe but holy fuck nuggets getting to that game is like being tossed in middle of ocean with megalodons swimming around you and having zero skills at swimming and being told to swim to shore without telling how long way it is or if there is even one.
yea heaven forbid anyone wanting to have characters be atleast somewhat like in the original... how dare they want that.
Makes sense. She has very fish like qualities, her hair fits better the seas than flowing red fluff ball and she can sing. I see this as nothing but win win
Well ye the name is Lonald Mac-uruDonard in japan
Stop Making Titles Like This.
Why is Yennerfer so young and brown?
Donkey Kong kept me in closet for years... He was always wanting to spend time with Old School Mario but that singing tart came in the way between the love of Mario and Kong. Thats what made him escape to his island and bury himself with tons of bananas, to hide the pain of not getting to slide down Marios pole... I…
When there is just one player its easy to be number one
Its also a show about the most annoying cast of characters ever
As long as they do not add any unwanted stuff to the movie keep em coming
What an horrible premise for a show
Poor valve... this game will be hated by all and will not be given a fair change :(
All I see here is that you are advocating prejudice and hate mongering based on your own narrow minded world view
I think its hate mongering on every side people should be worried and not blamers
Eh... max level pokemon one shot anything so this is just another gimmick to add to the pile I never use
Wow its almost like making episodic game feels not to be finished... who could have ever quessed