
aaaannndddd ..... there goes 2 minutes of my life down the drain

you obviously haven't visited Jakarta yet. It took 2.5 hours to travel 10 km in rush hour. Add 1 hour to that in rainy season !

C'MOONN !!!!

they said it was easy to learn and do.

For us living in south east asia, Sygic maps is probably the best thing for maps

have some wine and have a deep sleep during the flight

Why do you need to gobble all 40 GB in your iphone anyways? Make some playlist and sync only those you want to hear at any given time while keeping your gigantic music library at home

9 yr old ? Event I sometimes have a hard time in using torrents.

Hooters Coffee House ??

Just to reiterate the same question to 'Earthquakes': 'Why Can’t We Stop an Earthquake Before It Hits Us?'

Tim Cook is ... nahhh, I won't even go into that

Guys, it is not a surprise. their PC OS takes gigs of harddrive space, not to mention their RAM requirement. Haven't we learned this already ?

Friesss ..... 60 Fries ....

C'mon man, these annoyances are nothing than the realization that you are inside an aluminium tube 30,000 feet in the air with no way to escape if something do go wrong. Just enjoy the flight and hope it arrives safe and sound at your destination

No pics = hoax

So, Stormtroopers wear sneakers now?

There are some over-the-counter muffler patch kits that will make your life easier than this

Now playing

Tundra ??? Sheesh ... A VW Touareg maybe !

Jony, V-knecks are so .... nineties !

I just can't figure out why putting internet access would be such an anticipated thing on (especially long haul) flights ?