Now playing

Despite being a women beater and all that shit, I like this song and the video of course

If you watch the current video, it was so-so. Dub it with Jony Ive's voice and his British accent, now that will look (and sounds) cool !

Mine's better and sexier !

you beat me to it !

Hmm iPad 3DD or 3DDD will probably be more appealing.

Making sure the copilot is going through his checklist

Yep, they are surely coming !

I doubt there will a terrorist that will step-by-step tweet his way in preparing an attack. Even when it does exists, that is one narcissistic sob !

I feel the same as you lol

Reminds me of this ...

MP3, 224 - 320 kbps, VBR; cross devices, most compatible. period.

Each have its own plus and caveats depending on your NEEDS. One thing that the Note is not for me is 'try to put the Note on your arm during jogging or exercises". That sums up my decision (based on my needs) for the 4s

You store you're pringles in the pasta plastic bag

well said !

That is not safe to use ! You might hit the 'Alluvial dampers', the 'Horizontal Boosters' or the 'hydrospanners' while playing it #geekdetected

Nicolas cage would disagree, the correct word is : "Face ... Off !!!"

Please stop shooting movies in portrait mode !! Seriously !!!

at first, i thought this was Mos Eisley

This is actually a great idea and simplifies searches. However, it has not beaten this theme by an inch. Can somebody please make these ??