Why not paraffin soaked saw dust, or even kamodo grill starters?
Why not paraffin soaked saw dust, or even kamodo grill starters?
Why not paraffin soaked saw dust, or even kamodo grill starters?
Why not paraffin soaked saw dust, or even kamodo grill starters?
Sorry, man. I’m the oldest brother with 2 younger sisters. I did a decade in the Navy, and spent a night at a Holiday Inn Express, though.
Sounds like the scout masters were shit. This is what happens when leadership is “whoever wants to do it” vice “whomever took the effort to qualify to do it”.
The only good reason for a boy to join the girlscouts is if there are not enough boys for a boyscout troop. Much the same reason girls are now allowed into the boyscouts (in theory, if not in practice).
It is well known that girls excel in all female environments. Allowing boys in, willy nilly, ruins the environment…
These are funny. Don’t become Buzz Feed.
If you don’t like the US, move? Is that really your argument?
I guess you don’t know that you can bump fire without a special stock...
They’ll lose their license from the ATF, so it isn’t in their best interest to do that.
I’m white, or Hispanic, or black, depending on how I feel that day. I know what they are. I like rerolling them with cherry pipe tobacco, though.
Well, what do you want to change? Have the facts even been presented to the public yet, or would you rather just jump on the idiotic bandwagon of “WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING” without knowing what the root cause is? Sure, that is easier to do, and most definitely won’t solve any real problem.
I think the intent is small arms, not crew served, but hell... might as well give it a try.
If you’ve been following, the military is making moves to suppress all firearms. I only still follow because I’m a dirty contractor.
What is that from? It is so off, that I am interested.
I didn’t like that movie, not because it was a dude pretending to be a dude played by another dude, but because the story was garbage.
Fired? No one was fired.
No, the story still falls short.
I guess... boobs might look like those in zero gravity... right? Maybe?
Dude... the issue isn’t resolved. The safety recall you received is temporary, they just put a newer STILL ESSENTIALLY DEFECTIVE unit in there.
We do?
No. Census is for appropriation of representatives, per the constitution. Anything past that is not it’s purpose, but an ancillary use.