
Or “What if Clark wasn’t raised by protestants in the mid west, but instead raised by people of the same faith as Bruce?”

So, get into accident, reset phone, lose all touch data?

I really don’t get the Trump reference.

So... ah... why did they remove the airbags from the older car? You can clearly see the airbag is missing when the steering wheel goes to pieces.

Wait a second... I live in Camden County, GA...

But the theme is written word, which is always in SOME character’s voice.

American Nightmare is a completely different game, with the same mechanics, as Alan Wake. It is possible you’ll like one more than the other. I enjoyed the episodic nature of the base game, and the story delivery.

I loathe the commercialism of this holiday. Buy, buy, buy, instead of make, give, do. Nothing says you love your mom more than picking up a 2 dollar piece of shitty cardboard with a witty quip on it, signing your name to it, and handing it to her.

You give them a lot of credit.

-signed A Defense Contractor

Why is this a thing? Why is this a “good” thing? These people are graduating, she is no one to them. They could have just sat silently, and waited for this no-one to finish, then left with their certificates for completion of courses of study.

That, in itself, isn’t dumb.

What kind of asshole goes to a graduation ceremony? I mean, really. Self indulgent bullshit. Just mail them out. “Good job on doing what was expected of you.”

That is like getting Van Halen back together with Sammy Hagar...

Or... these comments are sarcastic.

Why don’t more women ask their doctors this kind of thing? It seems like a lot of women are in the dark about their own bodies, but see a vagina specialist regularly.

Meta articles. Consumers don’t care that journalists don’t get copied to review way ahead of release. Only journalists really care about journalist problems.

I almost purchased a Touring L model. Wife switched the game on me last minute, and found a 2014 Q5 she wanted instead. Oh well.

5 is obviously wrong. Even with the 17th amendment, the US isn’t a union of democratic states.

How does one violate a recommendation?