
I swear I own one of every type of pacifier than Amazon sells. Every single one I tried went like this: pop it in Falconbaby's mouth, she sucks on it twice, stops, furrows her brow, spits it out, cries. I eventually gave up. I'm not going to worry too much about the no pacifier thing because she used to drink her

How are you supposed to remove that gun from the holster? Are you supposed to go down the neck, or up from underneath? Both are seriously problematic (putting aside the problematic nature of the whole g.d. thing). If you go down the neck, everybody's getting a look at your cleavage (not to mention it would be

The deer don't notice the orange, but other hunters do.

Didn't we already try that and it was ineffective?

I give a massive amount of credit to any woman who says, "My children's father is a mess but they should have some relationship with him even if it's hard for me." I'm sure she spends an awful lot of time picking up the pieces when he disappoints them or when his chaos disrupts their lives, and I would never have

I have no idea. Like I said, he was really really young and he seemed to be just out of medical school/residency. I was a broke college student who went to the clinic where he worked to get a prescription for birth control pills and I was unlucky enough to have to see him. Now I wish that I had told him off, but I

I absolutely agree. Back when I was 135 pounds, I was told by a male doctor (granted, one who seemed very young and green) that I should watch my weight because I was bordering on "plus sized". My female gyno now tells me that 155 pounds is a totally reasonable weight for a woman my height and build and that I

The bill further makes it clear that abortions will only be performed when there is an “immediate risk of loss of the pregnant woman’s life” and when the procedure is thought “immediately necessary.”

WHY DOES NO ONE STRIP THE BED ANYMORE?!? Every single house guest I have had in the past several years (basically since I was a grown up and had an extra bed for someone to sleep in) has made the bed before they left, which, thanks? I realize they mean well, but it's more work for me than if you take the sheets off

I did the same thing. Falconboy and I were SUPER careful about the birth control until I had been there a year.

Also, you have to have been at your job for a year, so if you got hired 11 months before you gave birth, you're SOL.

God help me, I really like Mariah Carey. I am sure she is a nightmare to end all nightmares if you have to actually work for her/deal with her/be married to her (although Nick Cannon seems happy?), but there is something about her unabashed Yeah, it's all about me attitude that I like.

I have some other conceptual issues with that pipe, primarily the holes in the O's. If, I assume, you're supposed to inhale from the bit coming off the second O, and you're supposed to place the tobacco (yeah, right) in the part where the drill is, then wouldn't much of the smoke just dissipate through those O's as

My first name is not frequently heard in the United States (it's pretty common in Scandinavia). It is spelled exactly the way it sounds. And yet, when I go somewhere like Starbucks, the creative spellings are ridiculous. By this woman's logic, I should be furious (or at least filled with fear and anticipation)

My friend has a Savannah and I have never met a cat who seemed more unhappy. I mean, most cats give off a vague sense of displeasure, but this cat just seems either constantly depressed or determined to escape. It tried to climb up the chimney once to get out of the house. Like your friend's cat, it is just dying

So much better. Thank you!

NBC Philly originally reported that the gun went off while the couple’s 2- and 5-year-old sons were sleeping upstairs.

His family is Catholic but he's not. They retain much of the cultural trappings. There isn't really a good way to say that.


Traditionally, no, but since the article notes a "Paddy, the organization's right-hand-man", I'm going to say they've made peace with the Irish.