it’s probably one of those weird safety can openers that pops the seam open instead of actually cutting anything. my grandfather has one of those and is the only one who can use it without several minutes of fumbling around trying to get the damn thing to attach.

oh no, someone said a naughty word!

third parties are guaranteed to lose because of first-past-the-post voting, but I live in NY where nothing above the town level matters because it’s all gerrymandered to hell or overwhelmed by NYC. Stein is a bad candidate, but Clinton is guaranteed to win anyway, so I might as well vote for the Green Party so they

it doesn’t cost a trillion dollars to get your ass to Mars. Elon Musk has $11.5b and a rocket company that could theoretically reach Mars in the next launch window if he really wanted to run a one-way trip.

you can park at the mall for free and walk to campus in under an hour (or take the bus for $1.50)

regular grenades are very good and should be spammed constantly on Argonne

LEVOLUTION and no, it just has the weather shifts and the zeppelin making a big mess on the ground when it gets shot down.

this sort of thing may be morally unacceptable to a lot of people, but the law and the bar association’s ethics code say this is fine.

I’m not a lawyer, but old people in general aren’t a protected class. people of a particular race/ethnicity are, and this scam only works on superstitious Chinese immigrants, so the prosecutors are doing the usual routine of “charge them with the biggest sentence possible so they plead out to a lesser charge and we

people at the time thought Hitler’s book was a poorly written pile of cliches (even Mussolini thought it was too boring to read).

the devs learned from the Castrum/Praetorium mistake and there’s no more super long mid-dungeon cutscenes after those two.

I was a crafter in SWG and had creeps hitting on me all the time. I didn’t respond to it at all and my neighbor would actively tell them to knock it off when they tried the same crap on her, but the only way to avoid it was to leave the area or hide in a private building if we saw one of the notorious weirdos coming.

also, an actual lawyer would know the difference between “council” and “counsel”

the spam isn’t an issue anymore, they finally added a modern report function in this patch and I haven’t seen a single spammer since.

it seems to be working great so far. I played like 8 hours yesterday and 4 today and haven’t seen a single spam when it used to be several per hour.

if you’ve been doing crafting/gathering, it’s a lot easier to get mentor through that because it’s all stuff you’re probably doing anyway.

Wondrous Tails doesn’t appear to have any prereqs other than being able to get to Idyllshire so you should be fine. your lack of completion also means everyone will want to run the old stuff with you so they can get your bonus.

100 octane aviation gas for piston-engine aircraft is still leaded, but they’re in the process of replacing it with unleaded.

news flash: most people don’t live in swing states and their presidential vote is completely meaningless, so please stop this obnoxious bullshit.

I heard on the radio this morning that the guy had a domestic violence complaint filed against him by his sister after he attacked her with a knife.