spawns are based on a long-term average or a snapshot of some particular time; it’s definitely not dynamic. I went to a 4-day festival this weekend at a fairground on the outskirts of a tiny rural town and all I saw the whole time was two pidgeys, a rattata, a nidoran, and a paras. I did get a ton of pokeballs from a

I went downtown yesterday and there were more people on the pedestrian mall than I’ve ever seen before, even though it was hot as balls and the college students aren’t back yet.

Hawaii not being shit toward Japanese-Americans was because they were 1/3 of the population. the military governor and most of the white farmers/businessmen opposed internment because they needed workers to maintain basic services and repair Pearl Harbor. on the mainland, there weren’t nearly as many

buy-to-play, plus a cash shop full of grossly overpriced and horribly tacky outfits and the usual stuff like skill resets and more inventory space

I’ve had three root canals in the past 10 years. it’s not any worse than a normal filling, it just takes forever.

I’m in upstate NY, the land of unreliable 15/1 for $60/month (plus another $10 if you’re still renting their modem)

you’ve always been able to use macros to sort your armory by various things, but this new feature is even better and will prevent stupid shit like the time I accidentally equipped a healer ring as dragoon and didn’t notice for a week.

Now playing

do you also think the famous Hubble deep field image and every other cool astronomy picture are horseshit? those are mostly radio, x-ray, infrared, etc shifted to frequencies visible to the human eye.

what do you mean, why? shit doesn’t work. there’s no science behind it, and they had to void two years of test results because their machine was so wildly inaccurate.

no one’s going to wait, the cutscenes in those two dungeons are literally longer than the dungeons themselves and you can beat all the bosses with half a group as long as it includes at least one healer.

the first 30 levels are basically a very extended tutorial for people who’ve never played an MMO before. I quit after the free trial because it was so slow but came back a few months later, powered through the boring bits, and found that both the gameplay and plot are way more interesting past 35 or so.

S-E learned their lesson from those two dungeons and didn’t do anything like that again. the end of 3.0 split the final dungeon and the big boss fight into separate encounters and stuck the long cutscenes between the two.

it’s kinda like bologna

people with enough money to buy multiple alliances aren’t what’s ruining EVE, it’s CCP and their history of making drastic changes even after people point out the glaring flaws like how the new system is hugely tilted towards the attackers. this is why every major power is now staging out of uncapturable NPC stations.

I’ve only seen skipped numbers in built-up areas where someone bought a bunch of houses and replaced them with a big apartment building.

Twitch seems to be a decent indicator of the popularity of competitive multiplayer games, and there’s also the Steam stats showing daily current/peak players.

right now on Twitch there’s 616 people watching Battleborn and 1135 watching Overwatch replays (!)

I’m a dirty hippie so once every year or year and a half

does the EVE Online history book count as science fiction? it went on Amazon yesterday and is getting excellent reviews.

I was in 6 of the 8 corps that existed in the year and a half between the first attempt and the foundation of Remedial’s Goonfleet corp.