this sort of thing is recorded by a dude sitting cloaked at a safe distance. this doesn’t leave much opportunity for artistic touches, especially when it’s running at <1 fps the whole time because he didn’t set every graphical option to the minimum.

CCP made two VR games. Valkyrie is free-flight, Gunjack is the turret shooter.

War Thunder has had Rift support since the DK1 days.

an adjustment slider might be good enough for the people who can get away with using generic glasses from a pharmacy, but they’re not going to be able to make something that can accommodate everyone with particularly bad vision, astigmatism, or any of the other eye problems that require an optometrist.

Haley is a bad stereotype as far as I’ve seen, but some of the other characters have depressingly realistic cutscenes once you get their heart meters up.

I think it depends on what time you go to bed and how much energy you had left.

it was, in 1983. it still happens anyway and the ACLU keeps suing municipalities for it.

“improving your skillset” does fuckall when everyone else is doing the same.

3.2 is adding higher level crafted gear that will be useful for raiders. until now there’s only been raid food/pots, the glamour set that’s the same level as dungeon greens, and a ton of crafter equipment that isn’t actually required for anything.

flashbangs also prevent codex from doing their various bullshit moves, making them much easier to handle in the early game when your guns are bad.

you also have places like Brazil where everyone pirates everything because of the ridiculous taxes that make a single game cost over $100 USD.

it does have a map, but without the usual “you are here” marker so it’s just as unhelpful as having a printed-out map of the 1720ish Caribbean on your desk.

those aren’t even new rates. I’m not sure if NYC is getting a price hike to be in line with upstate or if that newspaper just got confused by Time Warner’s refusal to make standard prices easily visible, but I’m already paying $60 for 15/1 and it’s been that much for at least a year.

those prices are the promo rates that expire after a year, at which point it goes up to $50 for 6/1 and $60 for 15/1. I’m not sure why this is being presented as a sudden massive price hike when it’s always been like this for anyone who doesn’t have the luxury of being able to get renewed promo pricing by threatening

redstone is a great way to teach basic circuit design. it’s a lot less boring than looking at diagrams, and more accessible than messing with actual electronics.

when I was halfway through college, we ended up with a particularly bright person in charge of buying the booze who did the math and figured out that the handle of 160 proof vodka (Devils Springs) had more alcohol per dollar than two handles of whatever 80 proof swill was on sale that week. add a 2 liter of

an i7 will be better than an i5 of the same generation, but an old i7 is slower than a modern i5.

is there a legal distinction between cremation and disposal in a medical waste incinerator?

1) the base game is $20

the days of running one dungeon over and over are long gone, there’s now a bunch of ways to get the weekly currency.