Fall 2000 - I’d just moved to a new apartment and both the cable and phone companies failed to show up for their installation appointments. I spent hours using the pay phone at a bus stop to wait on hold and argue with clueless reps before they told me why, then more hours on hold with one of the credit bureaus and a

Shortly after the dedication, The Cleveland Gazette, an African American newspaper, suggested that the statue’s torch not be lit until the United States became a free nation “in reality”:

the green set is “heavy combat armor”, I found a nearly complete set on some named Gunner boss even though I haven’t seen a single piece of regular combat armor yet.

Cornell is the only Ivy with a real marching band, the rest of them are scatter bands with like 50 people on a good day.

NPR this morning said the university did not accept his resignation.

does the console version not have the line at the bottom of the screen showing all the currently usable controls? on PC you get “[space] attach wire” when looking at electrical things.

people do this for literally every game with these idiotic staggered release times and I haven’t heard a single case of anyone being banned over it.

Now playing

In one of my college apartments, the people on the other side of my bathroom wall would throw parties with music loud enough to vibrate things off my shelves, and wouldn’t respond to knocking on their door or hammering on the shared wall with a shoe

one of the restaurants in my area got investigated (probably because of a complaint) and some genius told the inspector that they’re not doing anything different than everyone else around here.

it’s an actual, terrible newspaper, like an even worse version of the NY Post. it’s absolute trash marketed to the kind of people who would probably cancel their subscriptions if the paper ever got rid of the “page 6 girls”

I saw a guy funnel an entire bottle of champagne at a party.

it’s the conservative go-to because even the dumbest asshole in America knows who Hitler is and what he did. they never mention Stalin’s purges, or Mao’s “Great Leap Forward”, or any of the shit that went down in South America (frequently with American support) because none of that is covered in public school history

I’m 5’6 (average Asian height in a college town with a large Asian population) with big legs and I have way too much trouble finding pants that fit. Target at the mall has huge piles of 40x32 and other fat guy pants, but only like 6 pairs of 32x30. 3 of them are skinny jeans that probably wouldn’t get past my knees, 2

Modern Warfare 2 had a ton of quotes from Dick Cheney etc that were either blatantly pro-war or a perfect illustration of everything wrong with current American military policy depending on your personal view.

America doesn’t have grades on non-commercial licenses. there’s just motorcycle and the generic one that covers everything from regular cars to 26-foot moving trucks and motorhomes the size of a city bus.

Quiet is great at clearing entire guard posts by herself because you forgot to turn off covering fire, but she’s terrible at scouting for someone WHO CAN FUCKING GO INVISIBLE

when multiple VW cars pass lab tests and fail real-world tests by 10-40x the allowed limits while a BMW passes the same real-world tests, it’s blatantly obvious that something is going on with the VWs.

one of the tapes talks about the legend of Big Boss and how all the mercs working for other outfits would jump at the chance to work for Boss ... but that doesn’t explain why random Russian conscripts join up, or why some guys need to sit in the brig for a while before they convert.

Ithaca’s model was expanded recently to include Alpha Centauri. it’s in Hawaii, 5000 miles away:

the font is way the hell too big, and some of the sites are using a variant that has problems with browser scaling. it works on this site but on main Gawker at 80% in Firefox, u doesn’t scale properly and ends up being larger than every other lower-case letter.