I used to be able to pronounce jalapeño the right way, then I spent two years of college in a mostly ROTC house and now it’s “juh-LOP-in-oh” unless I really think about it

there’s talking shit with your buddies or the other team, and then there’s screaming at your random teammate for an entire match because he isn’t playing up to your impossibly high standards. this sort of thing is why DOTA clones all have a reputation for being full of dickheads.

the big mouse has the thumb scrollwheel, 705 just has the forward-back buttons and I think it also does something if you press the bottom of the thumb area.

the big mouse has the thumb scrollwheel, 705 just has the forward-back buttons and I think it also does something if

I bought a 705 to use while my MX Revolution was being RMA’d for the usual Logitech click sensor issue and kept using it when the replacement Revolution arrived. the big mouse is nice and ergonomic but it’s just way the hell too big, and I never used the thumbwheel anyway.

I bought a 705 to use while my MX Revolution was being RMA’d for the usual Logitech click sensor issue and kept

the one in my 2011 subaru works well enough

Jalopnik had it first, and it just got reverted there so hopefully it’ll also be going away from here shortly

is this really necessary? American Spirit rolling tobacco says right on the pouch “No additives in our tobacco does NOT mean safer” and I’m pretty sure the cigarette packs have the same thing.

in 2008 Huckabee said he would pursue diplomatic efforts to avoid a war while preventing Iran from getting nukes

2.0 quests are mostly not voiced with minimal cutscenes because those were done in the “rebuild the entire game in a year with no budget” phase. there’s more of both as you progress through the main quest, leading up to the hour-long cutscene at the end of the base game and the expansion content is even better.

Yuengling is indeed better and costs pretty much the same, but High Life is the #2 cheap beer

three words: sunk cost fallacy

I’ve partied with Taylor Swiftcast and had a good laugh at that name. I’ve also had a lot of people in duty finder say immediately upon entering that I’m getting their commendation for being named Subaru Impreza.

in my experience they’ll take your modem when you cancel/move and then claim they never got it and send you a bill for some outrageously inflated amount a few months later if you didn’t wait in line at their office to hand it over in person and get a receipt

I’ve lived in the same apartment with the same modem for the past 4 years and they haven’t offered to replace it with a newer one despite the constantly increasing fees, nor have they increased the speed of the 15/1 standard internet (which now costs $58/month before extra fees)

Garuda normal is one of the hardest fights in the game when you have a duty finder group of underleveled undergeared randoms. ask your FC for a group and you’ll be done in 5-10 minutes, or find another FC if they can’t/won’t help.

it’s multiple things - the text at the end of the 2.55 plot was something along the lines of “our heroes journeyed north, with hope in their hearts and eyes turned heavensward” where it means “towards the heavens”, and then the Ishgardian equivalent of the kingsguard is the Heaven’s Ward.

DPS queues pre-50 are not bad at all now since everyone wants to play the new tank/healer (sometimes it even says DPS in need on roulettes). post-50 it’s the usual 20+ minutes but that’s what guilds are for.

I’m not sure how it works with pre-packaged weighed goods, but state weights&measures inspectors will shut down in-store scales (deli, salad bar, bulk candy, etc) if they fail inspection by any amount in any direction.

you can buy i115 weapons, armor, and accessories from the vendors in Ishgard for like 20k, and the first town in Forelands has a vendor with i125 weapons.

wearing so many clothes makes perfect sense if you work in a building that runs the AC at full blast from April to October