I thought I was done with subscription non-sandbox MMOs after EQ1, but this game managed to hold my interest for more than 3 months (unlike pretty much everything else) because there’s so much stuff to do, they keep adding more every few months, and the plot is actually interesting.

FF14 GCD is 2.5 seconds so it’s much less buttonmashy than WOW. it may seem painfully slow at first when you have like two abilities, but it’s fine later on when you have more things to deal with.

they said i120-130 would be good through level 54-55.

I thought this sort of thing was already required - I work in an office and they have this giant poster in the copy room that covers minimum wage, overtime, workplace safety, etc

they’re much cheaper if you buy in bulk online (check ebay)

the lock on those things was a total joke. some guy found a picture of the keys on the Diebold website, filed a random file cabinet key to look like the picture, and it worked.

buy i100 soldiery gear.

nope! it gets converted to lactic acid during the aging process.

I’m lactose intolerant, that just means I make grilled cheese with a naturally lactose-free cheese like cheddar or swiss instead of yellow cheez or whatever “normal” people use

how do you get rid of the burned plastic smell?

I get the "it's not my job to plug things in" regularly as tech support for cash registers/card systems, but then I just tell them that the available options are doing it themselves, finding someone on-site to do it, or I could dispatch a tech from the local register dealer who will show up no earlier than tomorrow

no amount of talking about the achievements of the Republican party of 50+ years ago will change the fact that the Republican party of today is the one that's actively pandering to racists and attempting to disenfranchise minority voters.

There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken

I live upstate, I've seen the racist redneck Confederate-flag-waving motherfuckers and the Jesus billboard trucks.

please explain how a state "dominated by democrats" has had a Republican-controlled state senate for all but two years of the past few decades

new Moa's not bad. old Moa was a turkey with a suitcase.

if you get level-synced down for a dungeon or FATE it locks out your higher level abilities. this is a mild inconvenience for healers but really annoying for dps because it screws up your rotation.

it's not the turbine itself, it's the horribly annoying strobe effect from the moving shadows.

does Aussie McDonalds not have a dollar/value menu? that's the stuff you buy when you're on a budget because you can get like 3 McDoubles for the price of a Big Mac.

you have to call them to get the new modem registered.

you have to call them to get the new modem registered.