
“building your own PC is super easy and everyone can do it.”

It’s easy to make it sound easy, but first you have to buy the parts, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can easily by the wrong parts. Then you have to put everything together, which can be a pain depending on what hardware and what case you’re

I got a question:

I’ve built a fair number of computers and I would buy (or have bought) one under the following conditions:

He’s our hate sponge.

People better be prepared for this to turn out bad. Thing’s been hyped for longer than I’ve seen a game get talked about, and it’s core design is coming from 2009. That doesn’t always hold up well.

It’s cheaper for Kotaku to filter all the incoming death threats to just one employee.

Yeah, but lets not assume Team ICO is on the same scale as Square Enix in terms of teams and resources.

Well, not that shocked.

Game development isn’t as simple as that. Throwing more money (people) at a project won’t always fix all of its problems. If a game’s features aren’t fun, what it usually needs is more time and iteration, not more people. And sometimes even an infinite amount of time doesn’t seem to help (see: The Last Guardian).

I’m an amateur at delaying games compared to Fumito Ueda

I’m not talking about running the same games you ran when you bought it. I’m talking about being able to run the latest AAA games. At some point, your PC just doesn’t meet minimum system requirements anymore, and for a computer that costs $400 when it’s new, that number is rarely going to be as high as 8 years.

I find the difference between 720 and 1080 more pronounced these days than 4 or 5 years ago, due to advancing technolog\displays.

Just because I’m on a console doesn’t mean I don’t care about framerate. There are a number of reasons why I’m on console instead of PC. I’m not a nazi about it like many PC elitists but it would be silly to not desire higher framerates across the board, no matter what platform I’m on.

Huh, I’d think anyone really concerned with FPS would be more into PC gaming than consoles.

We’re 6 months away from release. You’re telling me you really wanted more than half a year of marketing in your face? Because, for God’s sake, that’s one of the things I HATE about this industry. 3 months is good enough to hype people. I’m all for the heavy marketing starting mid or late november. Anything before is

I would like a system that kept the 1080p visuals and instead eradicated loading times. That’s the dream right there.

To be fair it’s really hard to judge how these games look if you aren’t viewing them on a 4k tv already. Plus because it’s on Youtube, you’re suffering from lowered streaming quality based on your internet speed. Basically, I couldn’t see a difference.

Well, before the launch of Dragon Age Inquisition they switched the race and sex of the Inquisitor all the time in their live streams, trailers and promotional videos.

You’ll 100% be able to play as a female character too. There’s no way they’d screw over their audience like that.