
It’s like you don’t know that it’s promoted on the top of the home page...or how most people consume news: that opinion pieces receive some of the highest view counts and are not somehow less persuasive because they’re in the opinion section.

Technological competence doesn’t determine your right to vote on everything. Votes are for local school boards as well, not just Presidential/Congressional offices. That said, as a minority that has a hard time being turned out to vote, WE KNOW HOW TO CARRY A PIECE OF I.D. We’re not morons. We depend on our IDs and

Don’t forget that, if you see a nice cluster of people where you shot a mortar, you can just spam your remaining shots and never leave that overhead view. Hurray!

Yeah i spent 200 bones for the 1903 Experimental, and the result of that experiment was to get killed a lot. If you like the carbine action, the Russian lever-action guns are the best we’ve got.

I’m a multi-console person as well and am looking to add the PS ecosystem. So PS doesn’t have the Xbox mutual Home Console game library sharing perk?

Olympic Torch Bearing Simulator! My jaguar is ready.

Let those among us who did not explore tombs first despite the urgent plight of our endangered comrades throw the first stone of “c’mon, priorities!” I dare not judge.

...is what you might say if this was a remake rather than the continuation that it in fact is.

I have indeed been noticing all of the automatic fire. I couldn’t beat them, so I joined them with the M1903 Experimental.

As a new BF multiplayer participant, it really is clutch-your-rifle harsh, unforgiving, and bleak. So many exhalations after inadvertently holding my breath. In a way, BF1 has been one of the most successful at making players feel like they’re “in that world”, which results in me having to wipe the sweat off my

And I need to start using You’re Welcome more.

Not to mention these kevlar-reinforced airships chilling a few hundred meters above the ground getting their tummies scratched by artillery fire. Love the “physics” though: can’t get enough of the signature Marionette’s Seizure every other time I die!

Talk about insensitive! $60 is a lot to some people...who also have a $400 console, access to a personal monitor or typical modern household TV, broadband internet, annual PS subscription, electronic device on which to read news and thus get hyped, and more. RIP awareness and compassion.

Passing on that Stranger Things idea!

...probably because it requires an explanation like yours to reorient how a consumer processes something that relies on instant recognition based on a word. Without sarcasm at all, they should have run the strategy by someone like you to show them the distance they’re making a prospective audience cover to arrive at

Did you just make this?

Agreed! Loved the tale-telling from that grim place and time which we mostly see in history shows rather than AAA movie releases.

That was a GREAT help to us new BF recruits. Thanks!

Agreed as a non-medic. If I’m on defense and I die out of a high-traffic area, I just bite the bullet and skip the wait to avoid drawing kind-hearted medics away from clustered teammates where they’re more needed.

Agreed. Choke points aplenty in Argonne and healing clusters of teammates for prolonged group firepower is helpful. Also, gun emplacements are even more important for shutting down back-capping enemies filing through corridors—heal your vulnerable machine-gunning mates!