
I don't get it... what does this score mean? What exactly is factored into this score?

Video is dead.

(insert bubble boy joke here)

@snap_understeer_ftw: I'm astonished how you're questioning my remark that clearly indicates that I've been staring at her tits...

I don't get what this article is about... all I see are tits....

This just in... Mercedes-Benz doesn't make heavy cars anymore!

@Quattro-luvr: The only time where 'fat' is acceptable.

Well, atleast it will hide skidmarks inside the bowl better...

Reminds me of tourettes guy...lololol!!

Fuck that, I would do it too! After all, given education of the typical parking officer, how the hell would they tell the difference?

I always hated this car in Gran Turismo 2.

I'd rather buy a Geo.

No Nurburgring? Unless this thread only addresses tracks custom-made by the game developers...

Problem: too many douchebags with no driving skills can afford nice cars.

Oh, the hurt my username feels.

In other words... pussy.

But the real question is... will it blend??

Foreshadowing something??

WTF.... why is Canada yet again 2nd in line? Since when are Japan and Germany more important?

WTF.... why is Canada yet again 2nd in line? Since when are Japan and Germany more important?