Evil Twin

I wish I had those 15 minutes back. In fact, much more than I ever wish to have magnetic tape back.

I mounted the 46" TV in my master bedroom with the Sanus LL11 which they call a "Super Slim Low Profile Mount" and I highly recommend it. The TV is 1/2" from the wall. The bedroom is a little on the small side and every inch of space counts. The tradeoff to get such a low profile is the lack of tilt or swivel. It is

Are wrestlers athletes?

about 10,000 less than the "announced attendance."

I think it's great. SHe got the answer right and made a decent joke out of it. If the teacher would have taken .5 seconds to google it, she'd know

I bet your a blast at parties

If god exists, you may be right. If

Who cares about that. What we really want to know is how many Bitcoins we can earn at home through the various techniques often described in Giz and Gawker's comments.

Motorola MicroTAC (circa 1992)

So... the guy with the Ted Koppel hair is going to tell us what's cutting edge?

How prescient! You should forward this great info to all the out of work sign painters.

Wow. He is a pretty good athlete.

Well, let's just hope these hardworking and exploited Apple Retail employees can unionize to stop such egregious behavior by Apple. Wait... What...?

I wonder... If someone came along and killed a bunch of Westboro Baptist Church members, would the surviving members picket their funerals?

I actually thought this painting of hers was pretty good until I found out it was a restoration she did of a painting of the Eiffel Tower.

I would have been very surprised if Hamilton Nolan would have written an article on this story.

Perhaps that is all you are worth. If not, quit and get a job elsewhere.

Then, they see you have very few apps and use deductive reasoning to conclude you either have a Windows Phone or WebOS

It will be making an early exit too.

For me, that family is one more argument against universal healthcare.