
I want to say large print would help as well, but how do you even count a page in an e-book, where the reader can change the print size at will.

Being immersed in it helps so much, I’m glad to hear they picked it up quick! Plus, it never hurts to listen to Christina Stürmer’s music ;)

I think at the end of the day, the biggest obstacle to learning and holding on to a new language is being able to use it regularly often enough that you can become proficient at it. Note that even for the ‘Category I’ languages above, the caveat is that the half-year you need to learn the language is ‘intensive’,

To affirm what the others are saying, German is pretty good to get into for English natives. Der/Die/Das is very hard to get straight, but a good portion of the words are pretty straightforward, make sense, and/or sound very similar in english.

Swedish is pretty easy to learn.

So I understand this is speaking in generalities and with the average person, but I have such a difficult time with Spanish and French, it’s absurd. Sure some words look the same in both of them when compared to English, but I just couldn’t follow their conjugations and sentence structures too well. I had an easier

The only winning move is not to play.

I believe that this was my organizational chart

and why isn’t there a damn list printed here

I’ve always believed that if what you are presently doing isn’t working for you, it might be time to switch it up. You might consider foregoing the shorts. Who knows? This might open up offers of a few positions you didn’t consider previously.

Also, the “stinkeye” is so 80’s. Try double fisting “the bird” while

You mean my current method of handling job rejection - picketing in the waiting room in my shorts and bathrobe while giving all the employed people the stinkeye and gulping from my thermos full of spiked coffee - isn’t a good one?

you’re just the worst kind of person

Calibre can convert just about any format (except for iBooks, I believe) into Kindle-friendly Mobi.

The world’s first “guybrator”, though. Which leaves room for someone to make the world’s first “vibrotor.”

When my FIL was in the hospital for a month before he died, I noticed the nurses at this hospital had portable work stations connected via WIFI. The neat thing about them was the ability to raise the station (on wheels, mind you) to a standing height or lower it to a sitting position. Nursing seems to have a high

Alternate alternate title: 4 signs you’re living within your means.

Hmmm - don’t agree. I am able to do these 4 things and I don’t consider myself rich/wealthy. I would also add that as of 5 years ago I would only be able to check off the first one (pay bills). It took a lot of reworking of my thought process and some auto saving/investing, but it’s possible.

The average music listener has no clue what uncompressed music even means, much less cares about the fact that they don’t have it. It’s a great feature that Spotify has the ability to turn on high res streaming but again, most users don’t know about it. Also- just because people have different priorities than you

You are contradicting yourself. They missed the boat, but they still will get millions of subscribers? Maybe they didn’t need to catch the boat in the first place. If being a “me too” service is all it takes for Apple, then they didn’t need to be first.

Well, primarily because that particular model doesn't offer much in the way of actual surge protection. It's only rated for 450 Joules (less than most of the others above), and while it's great for shops or workbenches, it's not the best pick for electronics of home entertainment gear beyond the fact that it sports 24