
I just noticed that some of these prices have changed drastically since I made my purchases. That modem is apparently $140 on Amazon now, but I bought it for $65, and that desk mount was only $100. Crazy.

I just noticed that some of these prices have changed drastically since I made my purchases. That modem is

Not all of this is strictly/exclusively for gaming (e.g. I used AHK to rebind my Naga buttons for general computing needs), but I think it counts.

Not all of this is strictly/exclusively for gaming (e.g. I used AHK to rebind my Naga buttons for general computing

Is it just me, or do several of these links just go to ""?

I was tutoring German for a while ($40/hr for 2 hrs/week) to a small family. They live pretty close by, so travel time wasn't an issue until my car broke down in the middle of our horrible winter. That was the unfortunate end of my cushy tutoring job, and I haven't been able to get back into that scene yet because of

I wouldn't describe what you're doing as thinking of the feeling of a word so much as associating the Japanese word directly with the concept it represents instead of associating it with the English word; with the former, you can just understand, whereas with the latter you continually force yourself to translate in

I understood the "UG as creationism" thing to mean that UG has a similar connotation to creationism within the field of linguistics, i.e. it's silly and not respected among scholars. I don't know enough to say whether that's true, as I've only had minimal exposure to linguistics as a field of study; I just learn the

Maybe it's just the mead I've been drinking lately, but I find that mead tends to have a higher percentage of alcohol by volume than most wines (excluding ports or other fortified wines). I'm not sure how much bearing that has for most people, since I'm in grad school, and things are a little different here...

I'm glad you said all that, because I hadn't really thought about my experiences like that. After meeting with a few people this week, I'm very strongly considering trying to get an MIS (Master of Information Science, which at my university seems to be sort of a combination of computer science and library science)

In a couple months I'll be like 65% done with my M.A. in Germanic Studies, which is great if I continue to the Ph.D. to become a professor. It's kind of awful if I decide I want to do anything else, though, and I'm currently very strongly considering trying to switch over to IT as a career field as opposed to

After a little more reflection, I'd have to guess that this is about graduates who managed to get a useful degree (and not one in German Studies) and also happened to learn a foreign language, as opposed to those of us who majored in our language of choice without another useful major.

I can see where this person is coming from, but as an English-German bilingual, finding a job that uses my German abilities is all but hopeless around where I live (and there are several large metropolitan areas there). I'm currently stuck in a vicious hate-spiral where I decide I don't want to do grad school any more

Mine is set to German, which I assumed is why I didn't get it, but I don't really understand why they wouldn't be rolling out the new interface to every locale.

I never even got the one you're on. Does this mean I'm three generations behind now?

I've been doing this for a long time. I normally sauté garlic, onion, zucchini, bell pepper, carrots, and some baby spinach in olive oil and add some basil, oregano, thyme, and some crushed red pepper flakes while they cook, and then add them to the sauce (or add the sauce to them). It has the added benefit of making

I pay $30-50/month* for 25 Mbps down and maybe 5 Mbps up. Real-world speeds very rarely go below 28 Mbps down and 5.5 Mbps up.

Are you a Ready Player One fan as well? Because that's all I can ever think of when I hear about virtual reality now.

Incorporating humor into writing is something I've always loved and wished more people would do. I always appreciate it and try to do it whenever I can, even in some of my academic work; in fact, I've been on a crusade recently to try to change academic writing to be less formal as a whole (to no real effect).

My fiance and I are planning on upgrading the bed as soon as we can, but that probably won't be for another 4-12 months, depending on how things go with the wedding finances (have I mentioned that weddings are expensive? Because they totally are).

It's a little bit harder to do things in the US the way they're done in most of Europe since we don't have the same level of proximity to immersion environments for other languages. That said, I agree with you.