
If I'm in the car, I do it the vast majority of the time. If I'm elsewhere, I primarily use it for quick searches or setting reminders. I've gotten a lot more use out of it than I expected to, though, I'll say that.

You're not the only one interested in that. I'd also like to see deals posted for other computer components, though, like processors, cases, etc.

So I don't suppose there's a tool that allows transferring Google Play info from one account to another, is there? I've got some paid apps I'd like to switch accounts for, but I don't really want to buy them again.

I have my recurring expenses planned out for several years in an Excel sheet, with multiple tabs for different situations (one tab for this coming school year, one tab for the next school year when I'll have more income and my fiance will be living with me, an alternate for next school year with the increased income

Awesome, thanks! I might try making something like this soon, then, if I can find a suitable old computer.

So how difficult would it be for someone with a bit of computer know-how (but not a ton) to make a server from this guide that could be taken elsewhere (say, a LAN party) for other people to access my files? Ideally I'd like to have it set up such that people could easily connect via FTP (it'd be on the same LAN as

I'll be starting grad school in the fall, which means I've already made the decision to go, so we'll see in a decade or so whether it was actually worth it, but I didn't really see another option. My goal is to become a professor of German, so a Ph.D. is kind of required. I was offered an excellent financial package

I'm really looking forward to SMS and MMS integration with the app. Once those two things are included, I'll switch to using it exclusively. I'd be using it a lot more, but the majority of my contacts don't use many, if any, Google services, especially chat.

VOTE: Nexus 4

Oh, I guess I misunderstood then. That's even better. I've been getting tired of seeing 2+ Facebook icons in my notification bar for a long while now. That's the only one that really bothers me, though if Gmail were to consolidate the icons and leave the shade notifications separate, I'd be 100% behind that too.

I might be alone in this, but I actually prefer to have multiple Gmail icons in my notification bar if they're for emails sent to different accounts. It's quicker for me to tap that notification to get to my other account than to switch accounts from inside the app, plus it tells me that I have emails in other

This is my problem. What makes it even sillier is that I've yet to actually build a computer (I've been making due with laptops because of a lack of funds and a mobility requirement, both of which will hopefully change soon).

I don't know how I ever missed that. Thanks, you're awesome!

I've been using this since shortly after it came out, and I love it. I have two problems with it, though, both of which are extremely minor. I use two Gmail accounts, and when I tap the notification saying I've got an email, it just opens the Gmail app (with whichever account was last used) instead of taking me to the

When I first started shaving, I had to use a mirror to make sure I was doing it right/not missing anything. After I got used to it, I just shaved in the shower because, by that point, I shaved by touch. I normally couldn't see myself well in the mirror anyway for a variety of reasons, so learning how to do it

I forgot that I've also got a Scene set up so I can switch sound profiles (Normal, Silent, Quiet Hours) whenever I like, plus it tells me which sound profile is currently active, and it has buttons for me to start my flashlight app and turn on GPS, since that GPS profile doesn't always work.

  • Silent during class

I don't often use anything other than my computer for "real" productivity. There have been times I used TeamViewer from my phone (Nexus 4) or tablet (Asus TF700T) to get at something on my computer, and I often read/reply to emails from my phone, but there's very, very little I use my phone for (outside of phone

This is my first comment with this system so far, so bear with me.

Unless a recipe specifically calls for me to peel a vegetable, I don't. The only vegetables I ever even wash are potatoes. Then again, I pretty much never eat my vegetables raw, so that may be part of the reason, but if I'm cooking them, I don't see why it really matters all that much. I just call it an immune system