
Camille loves SpongeBob.

My wife has beautiful auburn, long straight hair; she has always wanted curly, curly hair. This must be the human condition, we are always looking for something else. The Texas cheerleading thing though, is messed up beyond belief. Talk about a narrow perspective, those people must be suffering intellectual

Cue up Dandy Don, ‘Turn Out The Lights’ Kobe, the party’s over (also the career thing).

You could be right, my bad.

Oops, my bad.

You do not work in health care services, you are not a single mom with a handicapped child. You have no idea what hell this parent was going through; you need to walk some miles in her shoes. Obviously her solution for her and her child’s problem was not the correct one but I don’t think she did it on a whim. I really

Eloquent, thank you.

Thank you. I’m an atheist but would love a Christianity that actually followed Christ’s teachings. Alas, these people in the US, that call themselves Christians, are actually Satanists.

Jeez Louise, I thought the University of Missouri was one of the good guys. This is so messed up.

Just remember, the people who hired you, want you to succeed. If for nothing else than to look good at their work. Listen to your family and friends; bon chance.

I’m sure they are improving their work everyday. By the by, are there a lot of potential clients wanting this service? I prefer balance and equilibrium but even if it looks good on the nude beach, how do you cover it up in clothes. Got to be a strong A-Line fan, I guess.

Does anything turn as well as a P-51?

Halle, big fan here but zero for three is not a them thing, it’s a you thing. Maybe start dating the nice, boring guys for a while.

I was alive when you didn’t know who was going to get the nomination till the conventions convened. Jack Kennedy was the first I remember campaigning seriously in primaries (there were not many) but we didn’t know he was the nominee for the Democrats until the 1960 convention.

The money thing matters regarding Trump when he claims he’s a self made man who bootstrapped his way to wealth. The fact he grew up in a wealthy family, was given a good education, dodged the draft and was bankrolled by his father is hardly the rags to riches saga he likes to refer to.

But none of it was a threat to the US or her allies. Iran’s WMD aspirations has been handled by negotiation not invasion; pre-emptive wars usually boomerang back on the aggressor.

These people have way too much free time on their hands.

Actually Bush/Cheney were right not at all. Iraq had nothing to do with 911, they did not have WMD’s, taking out Hussein destabilized the region (something George H Bush warned his son about when he advised him to not invade...see Yugoslavia after Tito), they tried to do it on the cheap and ended up spending more

Jeez, this is going to put him in solid with all the Judges he will be facing.

No victimizer shaming please.