
You shut off you breaker box to the outside power grid..so you don’t back feed power onto the grid.  I have used this method in a pinch..you just have to use your brain.

hell with it.  they need to pull a porsche and sell the gt3 model to the public.  or close to one.  

I’m sorry, what?

I disagree. There won’t be a two-door model because 2-doors are fast becoming obsolete.

Why put waste in pits? They want to build on the coast. Just pour it in the ocean, duh. Then it's gone forever and nothing bad will ever happen. 

There’s no profit in oil refineries. It would cost a ton of money to build one, and it would increase the supply, thus lowering prices. Good luck convincing any company to spend a boat load of money to then lower their profits. 

Itv is much more profitable to be able to use refinery capacity -or lack of- as a trigger to cause fuel prices to rise and make more profit as we saw here when the economy reopened

Yeah, I understand how the dealership model has changed (largely by necessity) over the last couple decades and last couple years. When everyone isn’t buying new cars after 3-4 years because 60k miles was a LOT back in the day, it gets harder and harder to build a reputation and make money off of loyalty (same

As a Wrangler lover (albeit TJ lover), an electric Wrangler is god damn ideal.

Typical clickbait here..  not like the community actually helped him.  That might have made an interesting story.  

Well maybe if this was about furries actually helping him with his motorcycle project and not some half ass story about him being too cheap to buy fabric for his Gopro. At least the dragons were doing something with a car.

No, it's more that instead of writing about cars or motorcycles, you're writing about how you're too cheap to buy a yard of fabric for your gopro so you went with a furry site. You even lead with this being about your motorcycle project, of which you said nothing about. It's lazy writing.

Wow this site has really gone downhill. 

Fuck you people are fucking insane

See you tomorrow at this site that you hate.

Sure after they got called out and the whole thing blew up.

“a portion of the net proceeds”...let’s not schedule sainthood. 

Yeah, I’ll need to see a body before I call it dead. People whose buying habits are unaffected by the state of the economy are A. Plentiful and B. Like big cars.

It looks great. I like the rear quarter view that goes all the way back to the 60's. And it’s not at all a falsehood that they only way a muscle car is going to compete with a Tesla minivan is to ditch the ICE motor.  The noise maker seems like a silly gimmick to me, but I am sure you can turn it off. 

I would think it’s a feature you can turn off. Hopefully.