
I dont find the start stop in my escape intrusive at all. if theres a place that I want to get going quick Ill just pop it down into sport. But after two months its become seamless

The new ford trucks with the halogens do blind oncoming traffic, not as bad as the new chevys with hid’s but still blinding. Seems like there setting them with the beams aimed as high as possible for a brighter road and they dont have all of the configurations figured out.

Oh no you didnt, lol

That would work well, batteries in the trailer. Drop one trailer off, hook up to another thats fully charged and leave.

2-300 miles should be good for regional distribution in a lot of places. They dont need to replace the long haulers yet, start small and work up to that.

i didn’t even notice either, thats kinda sad

Back in 2008 yes, now they are a much different vehicle 

I dont think a gas price increase will hurt as much as it did back in 08/09, These new trucks/suv’s have more than double the gears and get at lot better fuel economy vs back then. Until gas goes over $5 a gallon, if it stays below $4 were.

Exactly, I’ve got the 5.5ft bed on my crew cab and have been completely satisfied with it. What cant it do? One less row of firewood?

Someone either got fired and is dumping all of this Cad data and screenshots or someone is about to be.

O4 ish mustang convertible?

it seems that there is a delay anymore on comments getting posted, Before I hit publish I opened another window and loaded the page and there were no replys, check back now and I was beat by two people

No, these go on the crank shaft which is connected to the pistons via rods.

It’s conveniently used to censor any opposing viewpoint as well.

Is it still live? Havent checked in years

I wonder how much the dealer markup will be on these

no shit, thats pretty sweet

What gauge is that above the shifter, Almost looks aftermarket?

Replace your distributor entirely or get a new pick up coil (you have to pull your distributor to replace anyway) mine was eating ignition modules all the time. Replaced the pickup coil and good to go. 87 tuned port 305. You get pretty good at changing them out though mine wouuld like to die at stop signs, had all my

Run on with an impact and stretched the studs maybe?