I laughed, lol. :P
I laughed, lol. :P
Or YOU'RE not doing it right. ;)
In that 2nd phase you've detailed, it's more than just "tweaks and modifications" — they need to make a whole new driver layer. This part takes the longest.
I think the person that was doing the injections knew how to truly "stick it to the man!"
You're totally missing the point.
Actually, they're a super impressive part when you consider all that they do and how they do it.
You forgot, "Yo Dawg,"
I'd say the wisest animal was the crow, for sure. The crow probably wanted bets on the sure thing, so he made all the other dimwits put all their bets on the pineapple. After the pineapple had lost, the crow reaped a huge winning.
More importantly: Why do you even need to have such a gratuitously long signature? Just cut it down to a mobile device. :P
I use a number of devices, and I hate labelling what exactly it is. It's a cheap way for these companies to gain recognition for their device, imo. Lol
I know!
The third is linked because of "Apple" — food truck... ;)
You believe Amazon buys the book for $xx and keeps selling it at $10 with an operating loss of only pennies per purchase? No royalties, nothing?
Just being alive, breathing, existing, you burn a set amount of calories.
I loooooooove WP.
I agree with your statement completely.
I'm pretty good with mental conversions of either temperature unit, but never have I done a quick temperature conversion and used a Celsius temperature to a decimal place, nor have I told someone the temperature to a decimal place. Lol
I completely agree with Captain Jack.
When you lay out all the specs like that, it's actually not that interesting to me... it's actually frightening. Not to mention the PPI being less than an iPhone 4, anyway. Revolutionary?
I'm glad it isn't considered wise to consider the advice of a writer that hasn't mastered the difference between it's and its. :P