It's the same old reflexive gamer negativity. See also: Deus Ex: HR, Tomb Raider, et cetera.
It's the same old reflexive gamer negativity. See also: Deus Ex: HR, Tomb Raider, et cetera.
First of all: the original Thief had the exploding arrows.
Secondly: where are you getting the emphasis on action from?
Third: I don't really see the problem with the swoop maneuver. It's one thing, like the cover system in Deus Ex.
Four: What do you mean difficulty was never about "disabling features"? I'm not sure how,…
I'm not sure where people are getting lack of marketing from. They've released several trailers for the game at this point.
Short of TV commercials, what else do people expect?
That's possible, though the trailer for this one gives some indications of some more interesting story stuff than we'd previously seen.
Some of it does seem kind of trite and obvious, granted; we all know his apprentice probably isn't REALLY dead but was instead sucked into some magic portal thing and maybe corrupted,…
Oh, hah, okay. Sorry; I've seen a lot of people call it a Dishonored rip off who were being 100% serious.
I admit, though, they didn't do themselves any favors in the comparison department with a few of the aesthetic and story choices they made. Hopefully those will pan out to be something more interesting.
Well, sure. I certainly don't hold the Thief influences against Dishonored; I LOVE Dishonored (and Thief).
It just seems a little unfair when people then hold those same influences against the new Thief game, claiming that it's ripping off Dishonored.
(Again, aside from the plague stuff and the character that seems a…
Man, I'm already seeing the Dishonored comparisons, which make me roll my eyes a little.
On a broader level, I don't get why people are so in love with cynicism and negativity. It seems like the gaming audience (at least online) LOVES to assume the worst. They did it with Deus Ex whenever we first learned about things… do know that Dishonored borrowed heavily from the Thief series, right?
(I mean, yes, the plague stuff is a bit on-the-nose, but otherwise, the fundamental game design philosophy seems to be vintage Thief.)
I don't know if the "no one is really talking about it" thing is a reflection of the game's quality; the publisher certainly hasn't been shy about putting out lots of trailers to promote it.
As for the troubled development, we'll see. Bioshock Infinite had a "troubled development history" too, and that…
You laugh, but I could totally go for a Dino Riders movie.
Bonus points if they actually include the goofy 80s headband things and the toad/lizard enemies.
Glaring omission in the "coming soon" section on the 17th: Earth Defense Force 2025.
Well, it's nice to see that something good came out of an unpleasant situation.
And wow, Trowe sounds like a real piece of work. "I disagree with you about something so I am going to try to out you and use your personal status against you!" What a charmer.
Because it was significantly flawed.
The game's execution didn't really live up to its premise, unfortunately. I'd have loved to see them get a second shot at it, this time with a bigger budget and the lessons learned from the first attempt, but the game industry is notoriously unforgiving.
C'mon, SEGA, just let ATLUS localize it already.
I'm sure there's more people asking for Yakuza 5 than there are those eagerly awaiting "Conception 2: Better Child Soldiers Through Forced Breeding".
I dunno. I think my money was well-spent on Republique. I describe it to people as "a stealth game combined with Night Trap/Double Switch".
I actually just got "Eldritch Horror", the streamlined, global version of Arkham Horror. On the whole, it seems a lot more elegantly designed and better balanced (and I say that as someone who loves Arkham Horror and has all the expansions).
You know, if you replaced the word "troll" with "hipster" in your response, you'd be doing a pretty good job of describing the problem with this whole discussion.
The audio recordings are decidedly NOT the entire plot.
While "sexism" and "misogyny" are not always the same thing, I've found that, more often than not, those who insist on making that particular semantic argument are mostly interested in distracting from the topic at hand.
I'm not saying that's what you're doing, seems to be a fairly common way to derail a…
It's likewise easy to dismiss "Internet social justice" when the definition is so broad as to include the most extreme straw-men as well as the mainstream.