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Richard Rojas
or a Lambo in Wolfo’s clothing
I’m one of those Cs fans who yesterday afternoon, chatting by the water cooler, threw out the “Ya know, Jae Crowder is pretty solid physically, he could give LeBron some difficulty” theory.
So do you guys have like article quotas to meet or did your editor specifically request an article about nothing?
Well at least they picked a movie that literally everyone cares about to hold hostage. That’s hostage taking 101, after all. Just imagine if they had done this with an IP that was a decade past its prime.
Check out the van one of my local radio stations used to drive around a few years back:
“Largely, men who act offended by things like “men are trash” or “white people suck” are doing it to make a point, not because they really are offended;”
But I’m sorry, dudes: that just isn’t how it works. “Men are trash” is simply not the same thing as sexist attacks on women, because you don’t face the systemic oppression that makes sexist slurs so toxic. If you’re a man and someone calls you a stupid trash man, wow, I’m sorry you had a bad day. If someone calls a…
Your comments have slipped to and fro between absurd and pedantic. Now you combined the two. Talk about your victim-blaming. I can no longer hold my peace.
1. I don’t have a problem with people posting “men are trash” on their website- I have a problem with the justification laid out in this article.
Look, if someone wants to say “Men are Trash” I don’t really care- it’s fairly toothless... but you can’t say you are working against gender roles when your message to men is to “man up”...
My understanding of Feminism is that it’s about Equality. Men and Women having equal rights. Then I hear feminists calling guys “Meninists” as an insult. Shouldn’t that kind of be the same thing?
But seriously, I was under the impression, for a long long time, that Racism and Sexism and all other kinds of -isms were…
I think this may be one of the very rare feminist articles that will be almost unanimously despised for typifying everything wrong with the worst (and least effective) forms of feminism. They pull out and showcase nearly every one of the worst moral and logical fallacies made in this space (men just generally deserve…
Agreed. Also,
Yes, “bad drivers” is a very tame insult compared to the other three
. It’s the same war cry as any number of disenfranchised minority groups who love saying “you can’t be racist towards white people, because white people don’t face the same systemic oppression and racial slurs as POC” This argument is complete and total bullshit, and propagating this line of thought does absolutely…
It is very bizarre. He does have a lot of viewpoints that Democrats ought to like, but somehow they find a way to not be happy. It’s the source they hate not the ideas. They find him personally so detestable that they’ll distance themselves from their own principles to put daylight between him and them.