
Today’s commenters be all like “Today’s gamers be all like ‘what why is the main character a man helping a woman? Why is it not a black hero? How come I can’t do same sex romance?’” before anyone has even said a word.

To be fair, high school was that great, for him.

It’s murky. It’s supposed to be fair use, that’s what GQ is going for, however my understanding of copyright law is that for it to be considered a parody it must make a comment on the original work. If it does , then it’s fair use. If it does not, or instead is used to critique something else it is satire and not

>they’re good headphones at a premium price, due to style and caché.

“Oh no! It’s the Bat-Truck! We’re done for unless we turn anywhere!”

can you give us a nsfw warning next time for those cantaloupe pics please




I disagree on almost every point. As a professor, I can tell you that the objective of a liberal arts education like the United States insists upon in their collegiate curricula is to directly challenge a student’s understanding of the world and allow them to explore the source of their opinions and conceptual

Those two creeped me the heck out when I was a little kid, I am not sure why but they terrified me. Even now I still find them a bit creepy.

Now playing

Normally I would not respond to something so crass and bring it out of the grey, but this Seinfeld exchange ran through my head and I felt the need to share it. You didn’t even make a joke. You just said something that you thought would be shocking and added a cliche at the end.

I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t masturbated in a while because he was building this and he won’t be masturbating for a while, either, with all the fun he’s having.

Since this ended in a thai, it went to a shootout.

... version of Spiral Mountain, which answered some questions for me from the first game. Back then, games were just getting to a point were 3D graphics could be incredibly detailed (NOBODY could render a rusty pipe like Rare) but still so basic that absolutely everything had to be there for a reason. Or else why

A SECRET PASSAGE TO a subsequent or previous level, which provided a great taste of things to come, or a great resolution to a puzzle from ages ago that you thought you’d hit a wall with. The levels were just really intricately designed in that regard. And it was made even more satisfying by the fact the that many of

... even though BK felt like it had done everything it could with the controller bynthe time it was over, Tooie kept ALL of those moves and let you access them from the outset, then somehow piled on a ton more. None of this Metroid-style “oh no, I sprained my ankle and now all my powers are gone” nonsense. Tooie

Oh my fucking god I hate trying to type on a tablet.

I think Banjo-Tooie’s the better game, you know. Obviously it has to live in the shadow of its predecessor because BK obviously did everything first, but Tooie’s one of those rare (HA!) sequels that piles on tons more stuff without detracting from the original. It’s a truly all-that-and-more sequel. What I found

The... The official trailer.

We need 4 hippos and about 60 watermelons. Now