
Kind of a disingenuous “worry,” don’t you think?...as he didn’t actually punch the guy in the face, so “restraint and self-control” exhibited. Wanting and doing are different things....or are we suppose to not even be able to “think” about violence now?

So you didn’t see any black ops going on? Hmmm I wonder why?

Alright, hippy. You hop in first, I'll be right behind ya

Green? That hourglass is clearly blue and black.

Sweet Jesus...

The power droid?

I heard if you put kids in a paper bag with an apple, their brains ripen faster.

1- WWII is a totally different context. Nuclear weapons were justified in that the war ended with just two bombs.. instead of dragging at least another 2+ years costing millions of lives. Learn your history.


Yep. That was one of the discussion in The Listeners. What if everybody is listening and nobody is sending, because listening is cheaper.

Glad it wasn't a spire from King Triton's castle. Then they'd be fucked.

The spidermother pleaded. She begged. But the demon, inexplicably in the form of a human baby, was adamant.

I'm 20, and to me Star Wars is something that has always existed. I can't fathom a world without Star Wars. I can barely remember dial-up, for crying out loud.

He talks of evidence and facts, all I see is conjecture and wishful thinking. And he speaks of the droids not being able to feel the Force, and yet they can sense that "She's lost the will to live"? Besides, "She does not want to go. Her will to live is strong"? But the droids said she had lost her will to live, so

People who literally think she died of a "broken heart" probably believes the Emperor's name is Frank/Franklin Palpatine too ("I must be frank, Senator").

CNN better get that end of days video queued up

H lp me Ob Wan Ke obi y re my o nl hop

if you're 100+ you've earned the right to judge a book by its cover.

Sooooo....they're copying the Gawker business model?