
Of course not. Canon is determined by angry fans!

I live in the world where I still love every single one of those movies.

It doesn't anger me that people have fault with the prequels. I do to. What angers me is the "all or nothing" mob mentality geek logic that has turned the prequels into this mythical terrible example of a movie that did literally everything wrong. People on the Internet just wantonly point to any random aspect of

The Prequels.

What if we are all already wearing oculus rifts?

The discussion of how much/why the Star Wars prequels sucked.

Okay. I have to post.

I've encountered a lot of large eels around the Caribbean. I also raised a moray in my salt water tank. These are observational facts about them: they are practically blind, their small teeth are incredibly sharp, they are blindingly fast when hunting, and their primary sense is smell which is incredibly acute. In


He was 30. He dated quite a few times.

You know, you think this is fiction, but I knew a guy who actually picked up on women just like this. I'd get a beer, sit down, and watch him do this over and over.

Okay, since everyone else here is actually a regular commenter and therefore too polite to say something to you, stop it. You're being incredibly snotty to everyone here in your responses. Either respond to us like an adult and quite being so snotty or be silent.

Damn you are a moron. You realize that the actor who played Jango wasn't strictly white right? He may have been from New Zealand, but his ancestry is a mix of Scottish and Māori. Since 60% of the people in The Clone Wars are clones of Jango, and Jango had a darker skin color, that would pretty much throw your

This is the double edged sword to a large established fandom. If Lucasfilm strays from the traditional stories and character type the established fans cry out that Lucasfilm has lost its ways and/or has been Disneyfied. If they stick to the same stories and characters the established fans cry out that this has all

I think you underestimate the input of George Lucas in The Clone Wars. He was present in the story room for every single episode of the five and a bit seasons. Filoni didn't do a thing without GL's approval, and almost all the story arcs came from Lucas.

Oh shut up. You got served. Deal with it. Now to finish being a douche, ask for source links.

Sure Luke comes in about half an hour into the movie, but before that there's an evil empire, some kinds of rebels, shooting, midget space junkers, princesses and comical robots. Then aunts and uncles get set aflame. It's a weird scene man.

You win one Bluebook, sir!

Batman v. Superman, 5 U.S 6 (Dawn of Justice 2016)