
The Mouse Droid! When not getting scared by Wookiees, they can even turn into little choo-choo trains!

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

There's a ship right in this area called the Kilaak Empire Flagship Hellraiser. The Kilaaks were the aliens from the Godzilla film Destroy All Monsters but I don't remember them having a ship like this and the only reference I can find to it are on some fan fiction sites. Have any Toho kaiju fans ever heard or seen

That is humorously what sort of salvages these scenes for me. Plenty of guys go through awkward phases where they're trying to figure out how to talk to girls and flirt (myself included) with disastrous results, so it's a little easier to give the guy a break if you think "not weird dialogue" and think "guy who spend

Reading this in Jeff Bridges' voice will make your day

One of my favorite cultural enrichment activities when traveling abroad is visiting a country's McDonald's. Very interesting to see what kinds of foods they emphasize, and also what kinds of foods they'll name after another part of the world based on their perceptions of it. Spain had huge McCafe's which almost


THANK YOU for mentioning Muppet Babies! That's the reason I'm a complete Star Wars nut to begin with. I remember seeing it on TV on Nickelodeon as a kid and they had all kinds of wacky instances where they spliced in clips from actual movies into the show. One time they had the Star Wars episode and the scene with

"But at least Ayano Tsukimi has her own doll ready for after she herself is gone."

Just listened to this today! I loved the discussion. "I agree it sounds ridiculous, but can you actually tell me why it's ridiculous?"

Exactly. "How can we get people to want to spend money in our game? By making it an 'achievement.'" I love the evil genius of this.

Between the music and the madness scribbled on the dry erase board, I thought for a second I was streaming A Beautiful Mind.

On Halloween, is he just going to draw normal heads on "Batman" and "Spiderman?"

Right? I clicked on the link for the high-res version and I still can't convince my eyes it's not a painting.

"12. Admin (New)"

Weird... Mine still came out to "123456"......

His selfie includes everyone on Earth who is taking a selfie at that exact moment.

Definitely. Loved how the music didn't even feel like a soundtrack at times. The pace and action of particular scenes would just be one in the same with the music that was playing. It would almost feel like the animation was drawn to already composed music.

Really looking forward to Space Dandy. "...in the space"

First thing I'm ordering is ham. That should cause a lot of promises to unexpectedly go into effect.

Brain instantly went to "Will they allow gift delivery through this, and if so, in what ways can I prank my friends?"