
Really like this paradigm on nature. I first realized how interweaved everything is when I took a climate change class in my undergrad.

Hinduism's big mistake was not starting with Australia.

I'll have to go searching for it again, but I remember a couple years ago, my family pulled out a box of a bunch of old trinkets we had stored away. I was amazed when I came across a little plastic box that turned out to be a pack of vintage Nintendo playing cards still in seran wrap.

Because you never know when you will have to quell an Ewok uprising.

Unfortunately, it turned out 26 million was the sweet spot for that

Nice to meet you Thirty Seven, can I call you Thirty?

It's been a dull day

"Somewhere in space, this may all be happening right now..."

After just reading the title I though how cool it was to transfer over pokemon from the first game on.

Actually the last story arc of The Clone Wars (last four episodes) does a great job with this. For a series that fairly consistently had Jedi pontifications, the show really started to embrace the gray area in season 5. Without trying to give anything away, it really does a great job of dispelling the idea that

Nope nothing wrong. I have an Android phone and an iPad. I was really hoping that they would change certain things about iOS and if they had I would have jumped ship with 7, but they didn't so I'm sticking with Android for now. Not saying I buy a new device every time I like the features of a new one or that most

Nice! I'm just going to assume that you were also the guy that caught the satellite falling at the end of Cloverfield


Didn't hear you.....too busy eating all the Irish children.....

I hate spiders with an ungodly passion, but you're thinking in the wrong direction. You kill all the spiders but then we have the mosquito problem to deal with? Instead, I propose will kill all mosquitoes and deplete spiders of a food source, taking us one step closer to starving them to death. Kill two nightmares

Right.. I really couldn't grasp what role in the world Elysium played. Delacourt was establishing no-fly zones and they have all this superior technology that they seem to keep under lock. Is Elysium the seat of a future world government? Do they have some kind of jurisdiction (official or forceful) over the entire

- "How many piano tuners are there in the city of Chicago?"

"How about you tell people what you gave as a 2 person gift to a wedding and see what normal functioning people say about it!! Do a survey with people u know... And tell me what 100% of them tell you!!"

Although you mentioned it, I think you kind of underplayed the level of effect the Sony E3 keynote had on this. If the Xbox One was the only game in town, I think the response would have carried more of an implicit "You don't like our DRM policies. Cool. Enjoy not playing next gen console games." I doubt anything

Part of me thinks that's what Grievous was supposed to be all along; that kind of old school villain that's a coward and at the end of each story flees into the distance shaking his fist in the air and yelling "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIIIMMMEEE!!!!"

And something tells me you're behind it all..............

Uhm.....Don't you mean his feet?!?!?!