
Not only do we get BRAAAM in the trailer, but we also get a kind of different pitched version of that howling wine from the Prometheus trailer

"No sir....I am not" - Johannes Brahms

Seemed like it would fit well with one of those silent art-school French noir type films. Can't you just see the crayon melting as the frog stares at you???

The subject of the article is very interesting, but....well....I found nothing pleasant about listening to any of that. I'm not saying "it's not music" because I didn't like it. It's definitely music, and I've certainly played things that are more dull or lacking direction that have been written by humans.....but it

I'll always have a soft spot for the PS2 mainly because of how I got mine. I was 11 years old and the PS2 had just been released and was pretty much impossible to get without paying a fortune. I remember looking at NextGen magazin and seeing all the really cool games that were just being released, hoping I could try

Where I live (in Vegas) tips are pretty much a dealer's livelihood. The casino pays pretty minimum wage and the tips are where the dealer makes his living. It really depends on what game you're playing and what kind of money your playing (are you making $5 bets in which case if you've won a few hands maybe start

It seems like a pretty big assumption to say that if the player doesn't tip then they are an ass. Yeah if someone's winning it's a pretty much expected courtesy, but the dealer's level of kindness to the customers is also a factor. Having been a dealer myself, I've known some really dick dealers that had no level of

I would skip going to the past, and accidentally creating an Activision ruled present. Instead, I would go straight to the future, buy the almanacs with lottery results, come back to now, win millions, and be able to just afford all DLC without worrying. #FanFiction

Thanks Ants

I'm no fire nor filmography expert, but that fire looked faker than even the poorest CGI fire effects....Am I alone on this? Is there an explanation for that thing that only I may be seeing?

I'm guessing he's talking about this. This one compiles the 4 books.

(looks to the left...looks to the right)

This post was a bigger joy-kill than.....well......when I found out Santa wasn't real!

He doesn't want to make it because it would conflict with his own personal Star Wars canon he's trying to establish...

I was reading this and thinking to myself "Great...here we go with this crap." Then I read your last line and am honestly torn right now as to whether this was actually such wonderfully subtle sarcasm that no one else caught it, or you do believe what you said....

I know the feeling. I had a tv show idea with a similar base concept as Revolution (power going out) but it would have been a different kind of plot then what they're doing with that. I had the idea for about a year when I saw the first commercial for it. I'll give it a few years and hopefully the idea will seem

Any other points aside, that was the exact twist I considered within 30 seconds of watching the trailer. Says a lot about the "twist quality" when you may be able to call it from the trailer without stepping into a theater. Now if he really wants to show he's a master of twists, he would lead us down a path where we

I agree! I still have nightmares about the invasion of the Jedi Temple. I wanted to just have a good ol' Jedi massacre but instead found myself playing through the part where the Jedi are destroying their own archive stacks OVER and OVER again. The time sensitivity of killing them before they destroyed the stacks

Where are you getting "blaming conservatives," from? And blaming for what? The article doesn't blame anyone for anything. It mentions that Fox News is drawing a link between computer games and the violence that occurred today. We're on a video game blog, the perfect place to bring that up for discussion. If

That's way too much logic and sensible thinking to incorporate in one's nerdrage