
Spoiler alert.....it tastes like nutmeg

*beard (editing's a bitch on a mobile device)

I compare it to something like a shaving mistake. You're trimming your carefully shaped beard when OOPS!!! I shaved of a tiny bit too much on that part. Then you gotta shave that same part off the other side to make it look even, but OH NO! That doesn't look good either, so I should just shave the entire area around

It just doesn't add up. It's not something I'd ever run out to buy, but if I saw this hanging in a friends home, I wouldn't fall silent in confusion and disbelief like I would for her rendition of Jesus. How the same person can paint something as....quaint....as Las Bodegas and also create Jesus/Gloop from the

I was at the restaurant eating, but I was starting to get full. So I got the rest in a to-go box and drove through McDonald's on the way home.

A necessary question. I re-read that paragraph four times before I went on to any of the rest of the article to figure out what I was missing.

As someone who has cousins younger than me who are serving over there in this army, I thank you good sir for thinking about these pictures for more than all but 2 seconds.

I didn't come to this forum to read logic. You sir have put a damper on my troll perusing for the day. Now go be financially successful and enjoy a comfortable life or whatever it is you "thinkers" do nowadays ;)


edit: blind apologist.... not blind fanboyism

Thanks for your support! :) The "It's an abomination!" thing has gotten to the point where you already know the conclusion of any article that mentions Star Wars that shows up on the news feed on this site.

I don't see how that makes my point any less valid. Whether Detours is adding upon the core product or is a divergence from it doesn't change the fact that people are being haters for the sake of being haters.

So when George Lucas is associated with what people claim to be gold (Empire Strikes Back), everyone claims it's not actually his doing (saying it was directed by Irving Kirschner, which it was)...... but when George Lucas is associated with what people claim to be crap (Detours), everyone claims George Lucas is an

I think it's great that you admit your bias for this article and I applaud you for it, however it is still a weird article to read because as muchnas it is pointing out some valid faults in Android, it just as much carries such an "Apple can do no wrong mentality."

"Mr. Speaker, we are for the big"

Shortly thereafter, they were served a lawsuit for using Darth Vader's likeness.

Love this idea!

Who was the pain in the ass that scuttled in between the player and the Kinect at 3:37 down there in the corner?

Finding a virgin for Zac Efron isn't enough motivation for me to figure out the game.

If nothing's off the table, I'm all for giving a simple UI an unreasonably convoluted name.